April 10th, 2020- Build Site Update + Considering Permanent Homeschooling??

Another week completed of homeschool! And now I’m putting my feet up and watching my hubs finish leveling out our build pad. 😂 Today we had a virtual field trip to the zoo with a tour and live Q&A with a zoo keeper! Homeschool has been fun but I’m looking forward to schools opening again cause this momma is tired haha. Though my husband is contemplating extending our subscription of homeschool 😳. I’m definitely on the fence. Granted, I’m the one leading homeschool while he works 😂. New homeschool moms—are you ready for schools to reopen or thinking about transitioning to permanent homeschooling? 🤔👇🏼 🎓


  • Annie Bleier Thinking of going with Connection Academy… If they stay in lockdown in August
  • Diana ER Definitely considering homeschool for next year. It would be so much easier if all the awesome resources like zoos and museums are open!