For yesterday’s work out, I hiked a total 3.5 miles hauling 50-150 lb trees + branches to clear our lot for building (ohhh the stories I will get to tell my kids about building this cabin when they are older ?). We will be going to the land almost daily from here on out moving trees we cut down, hauling logs to the mill to be processed for hardwood floors, removing dead trees and branches around our build site and more. I’m also down 8 lb just by changing what time of day I eat my meals. Same foods!! Just different times makes all the difference! ??
- Mario J McCash Almost sounds like bragging, almost. But I know from you, it’s all 100% true and most probably watered down a bit. So – congrats on these accomplishments!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Mario J McCash oh really? Just giving an update on how we are doing as much as we can ourselves to save money ?
- Mario J McCash Rachel McCash Cronin I know Rachel. I know!
- Mario J McCash ?????♥️
- Morgan L. Newey What did you decide on for your eating pattern?
- Rachel McCash Cronin Morgan L. Newey 16/8!
- Morgan L. Newey It really works. I love it. With thrive shake in the morning it’s not hard at all.
- Rachel McCash Cronin Morgan L. Newey yes so true! I’m never hungry!