Hike in the rain? Why yes! ☔️ 🥾 For 3 days now, my husband and I have been hiking and trail running first thing in the morning. Today we did 2 miles and are working our way up from there. Excited for our new morning routine and getting fit again! Our training goals are heart health + conditioning to summit Pike’s Peak again near the end of the summer when hopefully the world opens back up. What new habits have you started during quarantine? 👇🏼

- Alissa Dabasinskas I love your hair wavy! Extra pretty today Rach!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Alissa Dabasinskas thank you so much!! First time doing my makeup + hair in over a month 😅🤣
- Ashley Dawn McLaughlin Heart health? High blood pressure at all? If so what are you doing to lower it!?
- Rachel McCash Cronin Ashley Dawn McLaughlin our neighbor is a running coach and he is training us with heart rate monitors-we train to a certain heart rate and try to stay in that range. We run for 4 min and walk for 1 min and our heart rates control the speed/pace. As our heart gets stronger/conditioned we’ll be able to go faster. Luckily our blood pressure is healthy 💗🙏🏻
- Ashley Dawn McLaughlin Rachel McCash Cronin oh that’s cool! I have been on a mission light way to manage my blood pressure naturally. I’m just trying to find what works.
- Dina Imankulova Awesome are u taking kids along? I found it’s hard to take all Of mine for steady big hike but we r getting there. Too bad incline is closed but we def will do pokes peak this summer
- Rachel McCash Cronin Dina Imankulova we do hike with them but not for these morning conditioning sessions. Hiking with kids is a much slower pace haha and we usually can’t do more than 1 mile. Do you stay at Barr Camp when you do Pikes Peak? We did that last time and will do it again for sure
- Dina Imankulova We did it in one day without kids. This time I think we need to get to Barr camp and back. We can start hiking rite from our house and go back. I’m
Not sure if I want to take 4 sleeping bags on me. So not sure how to achieve it - Rachel McCash Cronin Dina Imankulova that’s amazing!! We definitely needed the break haha hiking the whole thing in one day is GOALS!!! 🎉 It does suck to carry sleeping bags and extra food/water for 2 days though. My pack was too heavy. Next go I want to pack less—no change of clothes, invest in a warmer tiny sleeping bag (they make some the same size as a water bottle folded up) and other micro sized items.
- Dina Imankulova Rachel McCash Cronin few years ago we got into snowstorm above the timberland and had to shelter in big rock formation and still
Got flooded with little hail. We were lucky to have an extra clothes on us to change. So may be take a filter straw to filter the water as it’s heavy to carry but I would still take my zip log back with extra dry clothes - Rachel McCash Cronin Dina Imankulova for sure that is true!! I brought extra clothes and didn’t need them my first time. But it’s true the weather is unpredictable for sure up there. Maybe I just need to get stronger hahaha