WHAT A WEEKEND!!!! Recorded my 2nd podcast interview with Joelle Lane for her Awkakened Healers podcast!!! My segment will be debuting around Labor Day!! And my BFF from UT came out to visit me and YOU GUYS!! I NEVER fall but of course fell for the first time while hiking Garden of the Gods (first for everything hahaha) . Also got a pop up outdoor tent for the kittens to enjoy the outdoors more, finished all school shopping + soccer camp shopping too all while my husband competed in one of the toughest hacking competitions in the world and placed 5th out of over a thousand teams!
We also had play dates, splash pads, ice cream—this weekend was packed. And at the end, my off-grid truck broke down!!! Ahhhhh and all the rental car places were SOLD OUT of rentals due to the massive hail storm a few days ago. But I eventually made it back home with the help of my amazing family and am so excited for this last week before school starts! #thrivelife#weekend#podcast

- Joelle LaneThanks so much for being on my Podcast I cannot wait to release it! Share our juicy conversation with everyone!!!
- Jennifer QuiggWoohoo!
- Lisa MckownThat’s so awesome!! Since my surgery I’ve lost nearly 60 lb in 3 months. Ridding out of my diet many foods, my fibromyalgia, diabetes and many other health issues have improved so much. Able to hike now! Been working on my YouTube channel with my journey. Need to start doing photography again.