HOUSTON WE HAVE A LOT!!!! It’s so exciting that our aframe cabin will be built right here!!!! The biggest advice I can give anyone building on raw land is to double your timeline. So many attempted to tell me this and I didn’t believe them. But it’s true! Whatever timeline you hope to get your project built, double it. I promise you if you do, you’ll be less stressed, more relaxed and more excited about progress!! Future off-grid homestead coming soon!!
- Dana Martoia Malensky Double? Try triple on mountain time. Just wait! A 12 week project actually took 14 months and we are in the industry.
- Rachel McCash Cronin Dana Martoia Malensky lol this could be true for sure!
- Michael T Hoover Did you look into the electric company allowing you to put the installation of Poles to be added onto your bill over a long time?
- Rachel McCash Cronin Michael T Hoover no we haven’t. We just decided to go for it with the off grid lifestyle!
- Tanesha Purvis Wow! Congratulations!
- Mario J McCash It’s going to be an epic adventure! Best of luck!
- Bryan Huddleston C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! !
- Benjamin Corwin Allred Man, what a view.
- Rachel McCash Cronin Benjamin Corwin Allred you guys have to come visit!!!
- Benjamin Corwin Allred Once it’s warmer. Haha
- Rachel McCash Cronin Benjamin Corwin Allred by then hopefully we’ll have a house too!!!
- Ashley Baldwin Wow that lot looks incredible!!!