Has anyone successfully transitioned strictly outdoor cats to be indoor? Any behavioral issues come up? It’s usually 7-10 degrees colder on our land than in the city and I’m thinking of trying to convert kitty to apartment life. It’s just he’s always been outdoor his entire life (used to be a feral cat in a monitored feral cat colony). So wondering about introducing litter boxes, scratching posts, etc to an adult cat (about 4 years old) and how successful this might be. Or just trusting he WON’T freeze in our barn up on our land and will he just fine. ? ?

Well, I was wrong. It is a 20 DEGREE DIFFERENCE between the city and our land. 38 degrees at our apartment and 18 degrees on our land (during the day-who knows the temp drop for night! ❄️) Despite our insulating, his water was frozen solid. Off grid is so hard on resources! So we’ll see how kitty adjusts to apartment life! He’s been bathed and set up in the bathroom as his home base and we’ll let him explore his new space tomorrow. #mightymorpheous

- Sharon Maroney Hope he adjusts well!
- Mario J McCash This is the right decision. So glad your compassion did this for Morpheous. He’ll adjust just fine and be a fine addition to your temp apartment life!
- Laura Jensen I agree! He is going to be just fine!
- Rachel McCash Cronin So far he has NOT pooped! Soooo… not sure how long he will hold it in for…. But other than that, he is doing great!
- Michael T Hoover That’s good… You might be able to train the cat on a leash so he could go out sometime and not run away… But Im sure he’ll appreciate being warm…