Hold your babies tight tonight!!! What started off as literally the perfect day morphed into one of the most stressful events of my life.
After an incredible downtown meeting about the next steps of launching + developing Cronin Mountain, we got the call no parent ever wants to hear. The call that an active shooter was near my neighborhood and everyone is advised to lock down inside away from windows and stay alert.
We brought just my older son to our meeting and left our 3 year old with grandparents at the cabin 2 miles away from us. A cabin we at first learned was potentially near the active shooter in the woods.
The amount of distress I felt was unreal!!! We heard the road up our mountain was blocked, but I had to see for myself. And sure enough, it was blocked by several police cars and a heavily armed police officer (huge assault rifle).
We told them we are residents and need to get to our son. But it was completely blocked and the officer told us the active shooter was a suicidal man and he had fired shots at the police.
Luckily, we learned his location was a few miles away from our son, but it was still unnerving to not be allowed to go home to him. To hold him and comfort him. To remind him how much we love him. What if the situation changed? What if he starts shooting more?
If you’ve noticed anything about me, it’s I do whatever it takes for a cause that’s important to me. So, if the road home was blocked….well, then we’d just drive 90+ minutes through 3 other cities to get home through the National Forest instead. It felt better than just waiting with the police. And helped clear my mind watching the scenery and knowing I’ll get back to my son as soon as I could.
By the time we made it home, it had been 3 hours since I learned of the active shooter and 3 hours of fighting tears, deep breathing and imaging the moment of holding my son again. And intense emotions and stress like that are literally the worst feelings in the world. I’m so entirely grateful to be home, tucking my boys in bed and knowing they are safe.
Though I experienced the worst stress of my life, my heart also goes out to the suicidal man, who we later learned was only 20 years old. If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, text TALK to 741741 . This year has been so challenging but there is a reason you are here. And it’s the most important reason in all of the universe: YOU
- Karen McCashSo thankful you all are safe! Love you all
- Rachel McCash CroninKaren McCash thanks jai faim!!
- Caitlyn HowellOh my gosh, that is so frightening. I can’t even imagine, I am so so relieved you guys are all okay
- Rachel McCash CroninCaitlyn Howell yes for sure! So hoping the man gets the mental health care he needs
Feeling grateful he ended up so far away from where we live and our babies are safe
- Rachel McCash CroninCaitlyn Howell yes for sure! So hoping the man gets the mental health care he needs
- Loni GeeWow, just glad all is ok for you all. That is scary!
- Rachel McCash CroninLoni Gee I know! We found out right as we finished chatting! So scary but happen the incident ended up being far from our property and the man was detained and hopefully is now getting the care he needs
- Rachel McCash CroninLoni Gee I know! We found out right as we finished chatting! So scary but happen the incident ended up being far from our property and the man was detained and hopefully is now getting the care he needs
- Chelsey Taylorchills wow. so glad you’re all safe.
- Rachel McCash CroninChelsey Taylor yes we are feeling grateful everyone was safe and the event ended up taking place far from our property. Hopefully the man is getting the care he needs
- Rachel McCash CroninChelsey Taylor yes we are feeling grateful everyone was safe and the event ended up taking place far from our property. Hopefully the man is getting the care he needs
- Rachel Maria Ball
- Els Vleugels SoxmanHugs, I am glad it turned out ok.
- Rachel McCash CroninEls Vleugels Soxman me too! And hoping the man is getting the help he needs too
- Rachel McCash CroninEls Vleugels Soxman me too! And hoping the man is getting the help he needs too
- Miranda LoveRachel!!!!! I am so grateful you manifested this good outcome. I am so relieved to hear. So grateful you’re all ok! Wow.
- Rachel McCash CroninMiranda Love thank you so much!! Me too!! So grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Rachel McCash CroninMiranda Love thank you so much!! Me too!! So grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Melissa Dieker SmithHow scary! I am so glad everyone is safe
- Rachel McCash CroninMelissa Dieker Smith me too!! It’s events like that that help ground and remind what is most important in life. So grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Rachel McCash CroninMelissa Dieker Smith me too!! It’s events like that that help ground and remind what is most important in life. So grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Kim Spidle OverpeckI’m so glad everyone is safe & sound! Sending you so much love and peace.
- Rachel McCash CroninKim Spidle Overpeck thank you so much!! Me too! So grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Rachel McCash CroninKim Spidle Overpeck thank you so much!! Me too! So grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Alissión Tap
- Rachel McCash CroninAlissión Tap thank you!!
- Rachel McCash CroninAlissión Tap thank you!!
- Christina Kraft SwyersSo scary and sad! So glad your son was ok.
- Rachel McCash CroninChristina Kraft Swyers thank you so much! And I KNOW!!
So grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property though and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Rachel McCash CroninChristina Kraft Swyers thank you so much! And I KNOW!!
- Kellie O’BrienSo glad you are all okay! What an incredibly stressful and scary situation.
- Rachel McCash CroninKellie O’Brien omg the stress was unreal!! It was the worst feeling ever.
But so grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Kellie O’BrienRachel McCash Cronin absolutely, I can’t even imagine! Sooo happy you’re baby is safe and sound!!
- Rachel McCash CroninKellie O’Brien omg the stress was unreal!! It was the worst feeling ever.
- Dona VroubelSo glad you’re all safe
- Rachel McCash CroninDona Vroubel thank you so much!! So grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Rachel McCash CroninDona Vroubel thank you so much!! So grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Katie HarrisFreaky! Glad everything is okay and your fam is safe and sound.
- Rachel McCash CroninKatie Harris oh I know!! The dirt roads and the views bring all walks of life up here. So grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Rachel McCash CroninKatie Harris oh I know!! The dirt roads and the views bring all walks of life up here. So grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Nicole HiattHugs doll
so thankful your family is safe!
- Rachel McCash CroninNicole Hiatt thank you so much! So grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Rachel McCash CroninNicole Hiatt thank you so much! So grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Erika Lindsey DickensSo scary! I’m glad your family is safe.
- Rachel McCash CroninErika Lindsey Dickens thank you so much!! It was so scary. Feeling grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Rachel McCash CroninErika Lindsey Dickens thank you so much!! It was so scary. Feeling grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Ariel HaynesI can’t imagine! I am so glad he is safe!!!
- Rachel McCash CroninAriel Haynes oh it was the worst! Feeling grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property though and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Rachel McCash CroninAriel Haynes oh it was the worst! Feeling grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property though and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Robyn BrownMy God! You just never know what will happen next. Thank God everyone is safe.
- Rachel McCash CroninRobyn Brown seriously!! The dirt road and all the views attract all sorts of people. We’d love to research how to make the county road a toll road or maybe a permit only road or something. But feeling grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Rachel McCash CroninRobyn Brown seriously!! The dirt road and all the views attract all sorts of people. We’d love to research how to make the county road a toll road or maybe a permit only road or something. But feeling grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Joelle LaneHow scary. So glad your son is safe you are all safe. Sending love and light to you guys
- Rachel McCash CroninJoelle Lane thank you!! Feeling grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Joelle LaneRachel McCash Cronin yes sending prayers he gets help and healing
- Rachel McCash CroninJoelle Lane thank you!! Feeling grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Leah ArnoldI’m so happy you included the text line 741-741… I had just written it yesterday on a post I made regarding Suicide and they are such a valuable resource and if we can just get more people out there sharing it and understanding how anonymous it is and the ease of use especially with kids and teens because they can text which is typically their preferred means of communication and they can do it anonymously and the train counselors are amazing and even if you’re just having a panic attack or even like today for you being at such a state of high stress they would’ve had people there helping you through it and I can’t speak highly enough of this group. I am so grateful that your son was safe and I am praying that the police were able to intercede and save this young man’s life
- Rachel McCash CroninLeah Arnold yes!! It’s so important to know all the resources available when help is needed. This kid was only 20 years old! So young!! Definitely hoping he is now getting the care he needs and feeling grateful the event ended up taking place far from us and my baby was okay.
- Rachel McCash CroninLeah Arnold yes!! It’s so important to know all the resources available when help is needed. This kid was only 20 years old! So young!! Definitely hoping he is now getting the care he needs and feeling grateful the event ended up taking place far from us and my baby was okay.
- Sandra PhillipsI am at a loss for words. I am just so thankful you are safe with your babies.
- Rachel McCash CroninSandra Phillips me too!! Thank you so much!! Feeling grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Rachel McCash CroninSandra Phillips me too!! Thank you so much!! Feeling grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Kat Davidson
I’m glad you are all safe!!!!!!
- Rachel McCash CroninKat Davidson yes!!! Never want to feel that way ever again
. Feeling grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property though and William was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Rachel McCash CroninKat Davidson yes!!! Never want to feel that way ever again
- Martha Jean Morrison MontgomerySo glad you and the boys are safe. Snuggle close and treasure those days.
- Rachel McCash CroninMartha Jean Morrison Montgomery yes absolutely!! Feeling grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and little William was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Rachel McCash CroninMartha Jean Morrison Montgomery yes absolutely!! Feeling grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and little William was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Salena MaryOmg my heart was pumping just reading this!!! I can’t even begin to imagine
I fear we will be seeing a LOT more suicidal people because of the lockdowns and everything going on. I know too many who are gone now because of it
and their children are left without a parent.
- Rachel McCash CroninSalena Mary it’s so scary! And this year has been hard for so many. The way states are handling the pandemic is disgraceful—especially democratic states like ours. Praying for big changes soon and everyone can work and get back to their normal lives ASAP. And also feeling grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Salena MaryRachel McCash Cronin I am sooooooooo relieved that everyone is ok. I couldn’t agree more with you. It’s so sad
- Rachel McCash CroninSalena Mary it’s so scary! And this year has been hard for so many. The way states are handling the pandemic is disgraceful—especially democratic states like ours. Praying for big changes soon and everyone can work and get back to their normal lives ASAP. And also feeling grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Elizabeth ParadiseSO glad you are okay!
- Rachel McCash CroninElizabeth Paradise thank you so much!! So grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Rachel McCash CroninElizabeth Paradise thank you so much!! So grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Kimberly Morris
- Rachel McCash CroninKimberly Morris thank you!!
- Rachel McCash CroninKimberly Morris thank you!!
- Danni MarieOh my goodness mama!
- Rachel McCash CroninDanni Marie I know it was the worst!! Feeling grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property though and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Rachel McCash CroninDanni Marie I know it was the worst!! Feeling grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property though and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Zila LafaveAbsolutely terrifying. I’m so happy you all are ok
- Rachel McCash CroninZila Lafave it was the worst feeling ever! So grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Rachel McCash CroninZila Lafave it was the worst feeling ever! So grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Tabitha Marie GardnerThank God your all ok
- Rachel McCash CroninTabitha Marie Gardner thank you!! It was literally the worst feeling in the world
. So grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property though and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Rachel McCash CroninTabitha Marie Gardner thank you!! It was literally the worst feeling in the world
- Fallon JayeHow scary for all you!!! Sending you all so much love!
- Rachel McCash CroninFallon Jaye thank you so much!! Feeling grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Rachel McCash CroninFallon Jaye thank you so much!! Feeling grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Michelle WintersSo scary. Glad everyone’s safe.
- Rachel McCash CroninMichelle Winters thank you!! Yes it was literally the worst feeling ever. So grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property though and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Rachel McCash CroninMichelle Winters thank you!! Yes it was literally the worst feeling ever. So grateful the event ended up taking place far from our property though and my baby was okay! Hopefully the man is getting the help he needs too
- Madi VaverkaMy friend’s daughters had to evacuate their home because of this also. So glad everyone is safe
- Rachel McCash CroninMadi Vaverka omg wow!! It is literally the worst feeling ever!! And totally catches you off guard. Were they all safe in the end too?
- Madi VaverkaRachel McCash Cronin yes, they were all safe! Just scared them.