A few days ago when I was up early snow plowing, I spotted some HUGE tracks I’d never seen before. I instantly got an eerie feeling and stayed on the 4 wheeler and just told myself if I saw anything, I’d just gun it as fast as I could home. They were EVERYWHERE on our private road, then turned into our neighbors property. I never once thought MOUNTAIN LION until I compared the picture to mountain lion tracks and it was a perfect match. 😳😳😳 So, now I’m researching like crazy!! Anyone know anything about MOUNTAIN LIONS!! Give me all the tricks!!! 🦁 🦁 🦁

- Jennifer Lomeli Just be very aware of your surroundings. They mainly hunt at night but in my area have been seen during the day too. Just had this print a few days ago a foot away from camper front door. She is a big one indeed!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Jennifer Lomeli yeah today I worked like crazy to make sure I got all our off grid chores done before dark. Though I still have to go out soon and turn off the generator once the RV batteries are fully charged. It’s by far the scariest thing I do everyday is turn off the generator at night. I always shine my flashlight into the woods first, scanning for reflective eyes. I can start going out with my gun too 🤔
- Jennifer Lomeli Rachel McCash Cronin Yes gun is a good idea and if you have trees close always shine flashlight up too because they climb the trees too!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Jennifer Lomeli omg… we have trees EVERYWHERE 😳😩😩😩🦁🦁
- Jennifer Lomeli Rachel McCash Cronin Sorry not trying to freak you out but they are cats and will hang out in the trees
- Rachel McCash Cronin Jennifer Lomeli no that is VERY good for me to be aware of!! 💯💯💯
- Heather Tripp We have mountain lions here in Southern Michigan.
- Jessika Wallace Heather Tripp Yep! People don’t realize they’re versatile, adaptable and sneaky, and almost EVERY where.
- Rachelle Taylor Cook We stayed at a KOA near Bear Lake a few years back.. The couple that owned it lived there year round. They said there were a couple of mountain lions that liked to stay there in the winter. They loved it. 🤷🏼♀️😅
They said they respect each other’s space & presence. 🤍- Rachel McCash Cronin Rachelle Taylor Cook so good to know!!! Hoping this will be the case for us!! 🦁 💗
- Rachelle Taylor Cook Rachel McCash Cronin Yes! They are so beautiful.
I am far more terrified of bears/wolves than mountain lions. 😬
I mean, they’re just big kitties! 😜🐱 - Rachel McCash Cronin Rachelle Taylor Cook yes!!! This is true!! And I’ve been a cat person my entire life! Maybe they would “sense” that if they see me! I hope!! 💗
- Danny Wagner the best thing to know is that your private property was their private property until you invaded it..
- Rachel McCash Cronin Danny Wagner luckily we’ve been here almost 2 years and this is the first ever time I’ve spotted mountain lion tracks. We know they live in our area but I’m hoping he just wanted to pass through from maybe the National Forest (our property borders the
- Robert Hirschi Fuk’n aye.
- Rachel McCash Cronin Robert Hirschi right??? We also have the basics too—deer, rabbit, black squirrel, chipmunk, etc
- Robert Hirschi Rachel McCash Cronin you are living the life. It’s a fun adventure to follow.
- September Exline They don’t tend to attack people, just be weary of your surroundings and if you see one go the other way.
- Kira Caylene They don’t bother you for the most part, don’t leave food out and lock your trash can. You can set traps for them if they kill your wildlife.
- Leon Koenck Watch the food and small animals out. They will sit 15-20 feet up a tree to check out things. They will go after something running. I have seen horses and llamas attacked by them. Make noise or discharge a firearm they’ll usually split. They cruise about a fifty mile range. Cool you have them on your property.
- Jessica Kish They are my favorite at the zoo 😉
- Kate Francis I was stalked by one in high school, didn’t k or for sure until we saw the tracks the next morning. They typically avoid humans, but may come around at night looking for prey. Having animals (like chickens) enclosed are night will usually deter them unless they are desperate. They’ll drag prey into trees to eat on it later. Growing up in Montana, we always wore bells or made sure to be loud when out in the woods since the noise typically scares off any mountain lions or bears. 🙂
- Rachel McCash Cronin Kate Francis our generator is SUPER loud. So I’m thinking they most likely won’t be close by when it’s on? 🤔 We definitely need to get bells for the kids. Our play area is very close to our RV, but still had them carry a safety horn today just in case.
- Kate Francis Rachel McCash Cronin yeah, being in such a remote place I’d rather take the extra precaution. If you do come face to face with one, do not run. Be big, loud, and back away
- Misty Sedlock Smith I had them run through my yard many times in WV
- Misty Sedlock Smith I could hear them too in the woods. Saw a black panther twice. They are no joke.
- Mark Bore Keep in mind that most wildlife and especially big cats like Cougars/Mountain lions, Bobcats, Lynx, etc. are generally wary or even downright scared of humans unless they get habituated to eating human food/garbage or small domestic animals. They are also generally nocturnal. As long as you keep your food storage and garbage locked up in your containers you should be just fine. Keep your cat inside at night so well. During the day the generator noise will definitely keep wild animals away but they may transit your area at night which is why you keep anything they might want to eat locked up.
- Dina Imankulova Our property borders with national forest too. I always have a gun on me. We have security cameras around our house : mountain lions are often the guests. Just make sure u talk loud and make urself big and don’t sneak – they sneak better than us
- Kelley Clements Javid Clay and I had one stock us on a hike at Cheyenne National Park. It scared the shit out of us. We got a trail gun after that.
- Olivia Echols where do you live 😳
- Rachel McCash Cronin Olivia Echols Colorado!!
- Eldon Brough Pretty cool, but definitely a situation to be careful with. It would never do anything to you or your husband, but be careful with your kids. In lots of areas you can hire someone with trained walker hounds to chase the mountain lion back up into the mountains. It’s really a great way to take care of the problem without doing any harm to the mountain lion.
- Eldon Brough I should say scare it higher up into the mountains. lol
- Genevieve Jaslowski Welcome to the Colorado mountains!
- Phillip Benoist Don’t run that’s for sure they will chase you down if they are really hungry.
- Phillip Benoist https://www.google.com/…/mountain-lion-attack…/amp/Delete or hide thisDENVERPOST.COM“One of my worst fears”: Colorado trail runner who killed mountain lion describes…“One of my worst fears”: Colorado trail runner who killed mountain lion describes his life-or-death fight
- Rachel McCash Cronin Phillip Benoist I watched his entire press release!! So crazy!!
- Margaret Elisa Lee Wow!! I wonder how many times they’ve crossed but you havent seen their tracks!!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Margaret Elisa Lee I know!!! I keep thinking about this 👀 🦁
- Haley Nord What a beautiful creature to coexist with ♥️ they are so shy, so this is kinda cool. Keep your food locked up, if they learn to associate people with food they’ll be put down, so it keeps both of you safe. Teach the kids to talk out loud when hiking, and attach bells to them. It keeps all wildlife aware that you’re coming!
- Criscell Marie If you have chickens or small animals, and they start disappearing, that’s when you need to worry. They usually like to hunt bigger faster game, unless they are old. when they are too old, they start looking for easy prey. Keep your kids in your sight at all times if you find that you have an old Cougar lurking around. We learned this when we lived in Elko Nevada. They had a situation of an old cougar. Just make lots of noise and respect their territory. 😊
- Karen McCash Good to be aware and take precautions. Perhaps Todd’s I of U mascot needs to hang about to scare off the BYU one?
- Karen McCash Make that U of U…
- Joelle Lane Make lots of noise when your out hiking. It’s probably passing through or looking for food. We use to get them up at the U of U. Also living here in elko we get them too sometimes down lower in the winter. Keep
Food locked up especially meat left overs, don’t let the kiddos wander off alone. Be mindful of your surroundings.- Erin Elizabeth Greenfield Joelle Lane Elko, NV??
- Joelle Lane Erin Elizabeth Greenfield yep.
Well technically spring Creek - Erin Elizabeth Greenfield We used to live in Austin and Kingston! We are now in Walker Lake. I have friends in Spring Creek!
- Joelle Lane Erin Elizabeth Greenfield small world! I love living here
- Erin Elizabeth Greenfield They won’t mess with you. Just watch any small pets. They are everywhere here.
- Alex Andersen We have to be aware of them when we’re in the mountain with the horses. However, like most people have said already they are very shy. Other than particularly special occasions, they’re more scared of us than we are of them. When we ride we just make sure we chat along the way so any wildlife know we’re coming.