There is SO MUCH happening in the world that we can’t control right now. All we can do is stay in our own lane and double down on what matters most.
Today we had an amazing meeting with our GC about our build plans for this year. As y’all know that read our FREE guide, building in a place never been built before is very challenging. But when you break it up into smaller pieces, it’s completely achievable.
Today we celebrated signing the biggest environmental contract for our lives: our own custom bridge and new driveway!!
This bridge will be our own private bridge on our own property. Our 1/2 mile to 3/4 mile long driveway will be dirt/gravel and lined with aspen trees.
Wrought iron custom gates labeled “Cronin Mountain” will greet our friends and family when they come visit.
This monumental project is the first big step in our build. After this, we will have easy accessibility to reschedule our well (everything will be designed with a 65,000 lb 42’ long well rig in mind), as well as other heavy machinery/semi-trailers to later install our septic system and cistern THIS YEAR and house NEXT YEAR. Can you imagine??? I CAN!!
One giant step at a time and the giant project gets done. Even with the extended timeline on our house, I’m so excited!!
- Tatiana EvansIs it still possible to get the guide?!
- Rachel McCash CroninTatiana Evans yes! I’ve automated it (took me a long minute to figure it out haha) But just go to our website, scroll to the bottom and you can request it and get our guide instantly!
CRONINMOUNTAIN.COMCronin Mountain – Off-Grid Homesteading, Adventures, RetreatsCronin Mountain – Off-Grid Homesteading, Adventures, Retreats
- Rachel McCash CroninTatiana Evans yes! I’ve automated it (took me a long minute to figure it out haha) But just go to our website, scroll to the bottom and you can request it and get our guide instantly!
- Jeff HerreraYOU’RE AMAZING PEOPLE! Making your dreams come true!
- Rachel McCash CroninJeff Herrera thank you!!! I’ve been doubling down these past few days! Lots to do but ready to get it done
- Rachel McCash CroninJeff Herrera thank you!!! I’ve been doubling down these past few days! Lots to do but ready to get it done
- Jeff Herrera
- Kim MacLurgSuper exciting!! We are still fighting to get electrical but each step closer is so exciting!
- Rachel McCash CroninKim MacLurg the struggle is real!! But progress adds up and yes!! It’s so exciting!
- Rachel McCash CroninKim MacLurg the struggle is real!! But progress adds up and yes!! It’s so exciting!
- Bryan HuddlestonI’ve never seen such faith, optimism, perseverance, tenacity, conviction, determination, resourcefulness, such won’t-be-stopped! True gratitude for your guys’ example and the inspiration!!
- Christi AnneThat’s awesome! Congrats to the Cronin family! Way to go. Each step is one step closer to the finish line.
- Jessica Kishwell and cistern?
- Rachel McCash CroninJessica Kish yes the well will feed the cistern. There are so many unknowns with a well in our area—we want to make sure we are very secure with our water needs. Hopefully the well preforms amazing! But if it’s slow or a low gallon per min rate, then having that pump at whatever rate it can into a giant cistern will guarantee our household will never have a water issue
- Jessica KishRachel McCash Cronin oh does no one in the area have one to know? how deep will you go down?
- Rachel McCash CroninJessica Kish there are 2 other wells—drilled 50-70 years ago lol we can’t find any info on them. But we have friends with mountain homes that have had issues with their wells. We’d rather have both after everything we’ve heard, researched and experienced living off grid
- Rachel McCash CroninIf our well were to ever have an issue—we’d just get our cistern refilled. It’s a win-win!!
- Jessica KishRachel McCash Cronin oh I understand completely. Just was curious is all. Won’t you be drilling down enough to be by the creek?
- Rachel McCash CroninJessica Kish no our creek is at the bottom of our mountain—we are building at the top. If our witcher is right, he thinks we only need to drill 400-600 ft.
- Rachel McCash CroninBut of course we’ll see!! Hoping he’s correct though
- Jessica KishRachel McCash Cronin that still is pretty far. Standard wells usually 100-300 feet. Either way that is so cool. I bet it takes quite the drill to go through rock
- Rachel McCash CroninTotally!!! We are planning everything around the well rig lol but water is EVERYTHING. I frequently refer to water as “a god” because it’s so essential—it’s everything. Can’t wait for the day we no longer have to ration!
- Rachel McCash CroninJessica Kish yes the well will feed the cistern. There are so many unknowns with a well in our area—we want to make sure we are very secure with our water needs. Hopefully the well preforms amazing! But if it’s slow or a low gallon per min rate, then having that pump at whatever rate it can into a giant cistern will guarantee our household will never have a water issue
- Jeff MolinaThis is so wonderful to hear and finally!!!
- Rachel McCash CroninJeff Molina yes we are excited!! I’ve finally accepted this is a massive project and it’s
okay for it to take several years to complete. It’s freeing to look at this way
- Rachel McCash CroninJeff Molina yes we are excited!! I’ve finally accepted this is a massive project and it’s
- Michael T HooverCongratulations Rachel and family! May many blessings and happiness keep coming your way!
- Rachel McCash CroninMichael T Hoover thank you so much!!
- Dawn HardingCongratulations!
- Rachel McCash CroninDawn Harding thank you!!! It’s a big pivot from our original plan, but will be much better in the end!
- Rachel McCash CroninDawn Harding thank you!!! It’s a big pivot from our original plan, but will be much better in the end!
- Stormi MartinSo exciting!!! Congratulations!!!
- Rachel McCash CroninStormi Martin thank you!! We’ll need to have you over with the Rays for a house warming party when we finally complete this massive project haha
- Stormi MartinRachel McCash Cronin I can’t wait!!!
- Rachel McCash CroninStormi Martin thank you!! We’ll need to have you over with the Rays for a house warming party when we finally complete this massive project haha
- Jeff Molina
- Melissa McCashYou’re the best
- Priscilla GonzalezWow, God is amazing!