A few days ago, I got a tender mercy. For probably months, I felt trapped in survival energy. It’s so easy to get stuck in “what goes wrong” when you live off grid. I tried meditating, but even then, couldn’t get to an abundant feeling state—I couldn’t remember what it felt like too.
One of the most ancient secrets in life is: WHAT YOU FEEL EXPANDS. Feeling stuck, feeling in survival mode brought me more experiences to validate those feelings. But then, something changed.
I got a VERY important email update and as I read the words, I felt this burning warmth in my heart + chest. My breathing lightened + relaxed, I couldn’t stop smiling & was filled with intense joy + productivity + creative energy. What was this feeling??
It was the feeling of ABUNDANCE. It was the feeling of LOVE. It was the feeling of SUCCESS + FREEDOM all combined into one. It was a feeling that I’m THERE and there’s nothing more I need to do than just continue and be open to receive all that I’ve been calling in and experiencing for myself.
Regardless of what happens or not with the email, the REMINDER of what it feels like to be in alignment with abundance energy was exactly what I needed. And I’m grateful for that experience and strive to stay in that energy as much as possible throughout my day.
How do you stay or remind yourself of what ABUNDANCE feels like? What does ABUNDANCE feel like to you? 🤔 💗🙏🏻👇🏼

- Rachel Jendzeizyk Reich I just started trying manifestation. I don’t really believe at first but when I tried I was accepted to nursing school after trying for years, got the money to pay of everything I needed for school, had a great Christmas turnout (including becoming engaged!!) and some other great things. I’m still in awe of everything but the feeling is great. On days like today when I’m super sick eight he flu I remember allot the wonderful things going on and remind myself to be thankful and vibrate on a positive level.
- Rachel McCash Cronin Rachel Jendzeizyk Reich amazing!!!! 🎉🎉🎉 Yes so many signs! I’d suggest “The Big Leap” by Gay Hendricks. It will take you to the next level ✨
- Rachel Jendzeizyk Reich Rachel McCash Cronin thank you! I’ll get it now! 💕
- Active NowStephanie Victoria Abundance feels like that yummy sun flare in your image. Warm, full of foxfire, overflowing with love. Beautiful friend!! ✨🙌🏼
- Active NowKiernan Bee When I know I deserve to shift into abundance mindset I start by getting super simple. Being grateful for my heart beat, my beautiful body and everything in it. I start with my health and me.