Captain’s Log: City to GrittyI started with cleaning our family pictures. Because of all the things that needed my attention—that was the one thing that mattered to me the most. I then moved to the front of the fridge, the floor and the sink. Scrubbing off paw prints, mud, egg yokes and food. I turned on the diffuser and air purifier to work on detoxing the air and removing the wild animal/bear smell from our tiny space. Then, started on our countertops, scrubbing, sanitizing and making everything like new again. It was a lot of work. The kids stayed in the truck with the kittens watching a movie (probably the best day of their lives, haha, to get to do that!) and Todd worked on cleaning up the outside, checking propane lines and talking to parks and wildlife about our invasion/attack. This was the scariest off-grid day for us both. This was the day we had a bear inside our home.After investigating and showing everything to the park ranger, it was determined he somehow squeezed himself, all 300+ pounds of himself, through our small RV kitchen window. We left it cracked to help with the summer heat—but that crack was all he needed to push the window all the way open, push in the screen, turn on the kitchen sink in the process (only minor flooding), unlatch the fridge, and eat everything along with cause destruction all over our tiny home. Even though it was a bear, (as opposed to a human invader), I felt immense invasion of privacy and angry and scared at the same time that something was in my home, destroying it, and posing a huge threat to Mountain Kitty and my kitten squad and I wasn’t there to help. When I walked up to the front door, I could hear loud meows from Mountain Kitty—trying to warn me that something was not right inside. He was so scared!! And ran outside the moment I opened the door. When I walked inside for the first time, I was horrified. At first I was not sure at all that a bear was inside our home. I did not think it was possible—so the thought wasn’t even on my mind. I saw the window open so was thinking of much smaller animal attacks or maybe an Old Stage shooter that was upset about our attempts to prevent illegal shooting may have come up to pull a prank or something. I mean, how else would the kitchen sink be running water + flooding, the propane fridge unplugged and other usual things??But then…. I saw the bear outside and knew it was all him—he somehow got all 300 + lbs of himself through a small RV window.It was then I was reminded yet again—we were not here first. The bears were here first. The mountain lions, bobcats, chipmunks and hawks—all here first. And we are the unusual ones disrupting the system out here…. a system where we are not at the top of the food chain.I yelled at the bear, told him “BAD!!!!!! GET AWAY!!” and he slowly started to walk down the mountain. I grabbed all the cats and started putting them in the truck with the kids. I kept going back and forth until I found all the kittens (two hiding under the bed somehow—we have an under bed dresser so must have been complicated getting through all that) and when the final kitten was retrieved…. I got back in the truck just in time to watch him walk back in front of us…. up the dirt ledge and sit down and stare at us. He almost seemed to be smiling.After several moments of just sitting there, he got up and starting walking up towards the National Forest. It was about that time that Todd got home, loaded up his shotgun and started patrolling where I saw him last. But bears can move quickly—we did not see him again.After that was our first call to parks and wildlife and our first bear trap we’ve ever seen. They came out pretty quickly, helped set up a huge trap with bait and dropped off rubber buck bullets for our shot gun if he does try to come back into our home. It’s illegal to kill a bear, but perfectly legal if he tries to invade or come in after shooting it with rubber bullets and those do not stop or deter him.We have the bear trap for one week—so we are hoping he comes back. The park ranger told us this was a very dangerous situation because now that the bear has discovered breaking into RV’s with such a huge reward—he will keep doing it. He will try to come back. And a bear that size could break our glass windows or even “rip our front door off the hinges” if it was really motivated to do so. So once this bear is captured, it will need to be euthanized. Which parks and wildlife will all handle. The ranger told us that bear looked very healthy and older—with greying hairs on the muzzle. So, though the thought of him being euthanized is tragic—what’s more tragic is him coming back and harming us or other campers in the area. Our off-grid journey has shown and taught us so much. Yesterday was a day we will all never forget.
- Taylor OsorioOh my gosh!!! I’m so glad your kitties are okay! What a wild situation
- Rachel McCash CroninTaylor Osorio I know!! So happy everyone was safe!!
- Rachel McCash CroninTaylor Osorio I know!! So happy everyone was safe!!
- Katherine DavidsonOh my goodness friend!!! I can’t believe that happened. If you need a place to just chill and breathe please come over!!!
- Rachel McCash CroninKatherine Davidson thank you momma!!! It was so crazy!! I’d love to come over and hang!! I’ll text you!
- Rachel McCash CroninKatherine Davidson thank you momma!!! It was so crazy!! I’d love to come over and hang!! I’ll text you!
- Jessica WoeppelThank goodness your kitties survived all that! They must of have been terrified.
- Rachel McCash CroninJessica Woeppel Mountain Kitty was very upset! I can’t imagine what all he saw!
So happy throwback kittens gave good instincts and all found hiding places!!
- Melissa McCashWow that is wild! I hope you guys get into your house soon. So glad everyone is ok!
- Rachel McCash CroninMelissa McCash I know!! That’s one of the first things we talked about after we finished up damage control—building our forever cabin ASAP
- Rachel McCash CroninMelissa McCash I know!! That’s one of the first things we talked about after we finished up damage control—building our forever cabin ASAP
- Erica AndersonWhoa! Do y’all need anything? Amazing story to be able to tell! Glad y’all are ok!
- Rachel McCash CroninErica Anderson thank you so much!! We need a new fridge—I think we found one! The RV propane fridges are a little tricky to track down but my hubs is on top of it!
We are happy we are all safe! I’m sure we’ll laugh about it one day haha
- Rachel McCash CroninErica Anderson thank you so much!! We need a new fridge—I think we found one! The RV propane fridges are a little tricky to track down but my hubs is on top of it!
- Lilu OteroOmg girl
so glad the kitties are okay . What a crazy thing to come back to .
- Rachel McCash CroninLilu Otero it was so crazy to come back to!! We had such a productive + city life type day haha only to be reminded of our off grid reality so strongly
- Rachel McCash CroninLilu Otero it was so crazy to come back to!! We had such a productive + city life type day haha only to be reminded of our off grid reality so strongly
- Emily ReaganOmg.
Well he looks pretty proud of himself.
I’m so sorry you had to deal with that! I’m just glad you all and your kitties are okay!
- Rachel McCash CroninEmily Reagan he does!!! It’s almost like he’s smiling or something!!
- Rachel McCash CroninEmily Reagan he does!!! It’s almost like he’s smiling or something!!
- Cameron RosaThank God everyone is okay! That is absolutely terrifying. That bear looks massive.
- Rachel McCash CroninCameron Rosa the park ranger estimated him at 300 lbs!! He was “healthy and older looking” to the park ranger—definitely not a young bear
- Cameron RosaRachel McCash Cronin he dang sure looked healthy and is obviously super smart. The way you said he just looked at you freaks me out. We saw a very similar story on the show “I was Prey” and it’s immediately what I thought. With him being so bold it is very worrisome. I hope he is successfully trapped so you guys don’t have to have that in the back of your mind. Prayers for your safety.
NATIONALPOST.COMQ & A: An interview with the survivor of a rare Ontario bear attackQ & A: An interview with the survivor of a rare Ontario bear attack
- Chelsea ButlerSo sorry for this frightening experience but so happy you, your family and pets are all safe. Hopefully they don’t get PTSD from it
- Rachel McCash CroninChelsea Mettler I know!! Mountain Kitty seemed very upset but is doing much better already
I think the kittens are just fine though haha
- Chelsea ButlerRachel McCash Cronin I’d been crying like that too. Hopefully you guys (as the hoomans) can sleep too!
- Rachel McCash CroninChelsea Mettler I know!! Mountain Kitty seemed very upset but is doing much better already
- Lisa MckownScary. I think I would leave a radio or something going for noise when I’m not there. Glad everyone is safe
- Rachel McCash CroninLisa Mckown ohhhh yes!! That is a great idea!! We’ll definitely do that!
- Rachel McCash CroninLisa Mckown ohhhh yes!! That is a great idea!! We’ll definitely do that!
- Sara WidenerOmg! I’m glad you guys are ok!
- Rachel McCash CroninSara Widener thank you!!! I ran into Jeremy at Epi today and showed him pictures too! I’m glad it was only the fridge—could have been worse!
- Natalie Hurtgirl I can’t imagine. I’m so glad everyone is okay. And I hope you get the bear trapped and have peace of mind again soon.
- Rachel McCash CroninNatalie Hurt yes for sure!! I was hoping he would have been caught last night—but not yet. Hopefully within this week while we have the trap!!
- Rachel McCash CroninNatalie Hurt yes for sure!! I was hoping he would have been caught last night—but not yet. Hopefully within this week while we have the trap!!
- Els Vleugels SoxmanI am glad you were not home that could have been worse glad all the animals are ok too.
- Rachel McCash CroninEls Vleugels Soxman agreed!! Would have been even more terrifying it is happened at night while sleeping!!
if it had to happen—I think it worked out in the best way
- Rachel McCash CroninEls Vleugels Soxman agreed!! Would have been even more terrifying it is happened at night while sleeping!!
- Joanie LovellThe bears are crazy bad this year, they must really be hungry if they’re this brazen…our friends in San Isabel own cabins and a bear somehow broke down a steel “bear proof” door to one of their cabins while a family was sleeping in there…there have… See More
- Rachel McCash CroninJoanie Lovell oh it is so bad this year!! The park ranger shared many other stores of recent encounters. They are crazy!!
- Joanie LovellRachel McCash Cronin we’ve had a few close calls with our trailer too with juveniles…its a scary situation!
- Rachel McCash CroninJoanie Lovell oh it is so bad this year!! The park ranger shared many other stores of recent encounters. They are crazy!!
- Joelle LaneSo scary I’m glad you and the kids and the kitties are ok and safe. If you need anything let me know sending love
- Rachel McCash CroninJoelle Lane thank you so much and I definitely will!! Grateful everyone is safe!!
- Rachel McCash CroninJoelle Lane thank you so much and I definitely will!! Grateful everyone is safe!!
- Danni MarieGirl! That is cRaZy!! Glad y’all weren’t home & that kitties were also okay!
- Rachel McCash CroninDanni Marie yes I’m so happy all the kitties were safe!! The park ranger said Mountain Kitty may have helped the bear not attack more than he did. Im sure he was growling and hissing
- Rachel McCash CroninDanni Marie yes I’m so happy all the kitties were safe!! The park ranger said Mountain Kitty may have helped the bear not attack more than he did. Im sure he was growling and hissing
- Stephanie VictoriaGirlfriend ooohhhh, wow that’s a story. He really had himself a grand time in there.
So glad it’s only “things” and everyone is ok!
- Rachel McCash CroninStephanie Victoria yes me too!!! I’m sure he thought he found the ultimate score for food! He even seemed to be smiling afterwards!!
- Rachel McCash CroninStephanie Victoria yes me too!!! I’m sure he thought he found the ultimate score for food! He even seemed to be smiling afterwards!!
- Shakti Rios-ZuluagaHoly fuck sister!
- Rachel McCash CroninShakti Rios-Zuluaga right?!?!
- Shakti Rios-ZuluagaRachel McCash Cronin girl. I would’ve had a damn heart attack. I’m so glad you guys are okay
- Rachel McCash CroninShakti Rios-Zuluaga right?!?!
- Daria EllingtonI’m so glad you are all Ok!
- Rachel McCash CroninDaria Ellington thank you!! Me too!! So crazy!
- Daria EllingtonYou guys need a big dog!
- Destiny PardueWow! That’s pretty terrifying. I would get some bear spray to have on hand just in case.
- Rachel McCash CroninDestiny Pardue yes we have 2 cans of it and now have rubber bullets for the shot gun too. I can hardly believe it all!!
- Rachel McCash CroninDestiny Pardue yes we have 2 cans of it and now have rubber bullets for the shot gun too. I can hardly believe it all!!
- Summer Estella LajoieI am so glad no one was hurt! Coexisting with nature can be so challenging… great job staying positive through this experience. Good luck trapping him, hope all goes well
- Rachel McCash CroninSummer Estella Lajoie yes for sure!! It’s an adjustment but we are getting there. Very grateful for the park and wildlife rangers to help us out through it all
- Rachel McCash CroninSummer Estella Lajoie yes for sure!! It’s an adjustment but we are getting there. Very grateful for the park and wildlife rangers to help us out through it all
- Kate FrancisHow scary!! Glad you weren’t home when it happened! We had a bear trap at our house for a while when I was growing up, hopefully he takes the bait!
- Rachel McCash CroninKate Francis it was so scary! Very grateful we weren’t there too and all the kitties were safe. I just finished up a podcast interview on off-grid homesteading and will be headed home after washing all the bedding on hot water haha to check that trap!… See More
- Rachel McCash CroninKate Francis it was so scary! Very grateful we weren’t there too and all the kitties were safe. I just finished up a podcast interview on off-grid homesteading and will be headed home after washing all the bedding on hot water haha to check that trap!… See More
- Taylor StokesI’m so sorry! That must have felt so invasive.
- Rachel McCash CroninTaylor Stokes oh it was!! Especially my thought process behind “who would do this?!?” To discovering that A BEAR got himself inside our home!! So happy everyone and all the kitties are okay!
- Rachel McCash CroninTaylor Stokes oh it was!! Especially my thought process behind “who would do this?!?” To discovering that A BEAR got himself inside our home!! So happy everyone and all the kitties are okay!
- Heidi LynnOmg honey I am so glad you as yours are safe. Please be careful xoxo
- Rachel McCash CroninHeidi Lynn yes for sure! Thank you so much!! Nature always has a way to remind us how powerful she is!!
- Heidi LynnRachel McCash Cronin amen! Glad you all are safe. I would of pissed my pants lol
- Rachel McCash CroninHeidi Lynn yes for sure! Thank you so much!! Nature always has a way to remind us how powerful she is!!
- Kenneth McDadeWhat do they do with the bear meat? Can the euphinized bear be partial compensation for the break in? Just a thought. Maybe the meat can go to a homeless shelter. Just don’t want it wasted.
- Jessica KishKenneth McDade bears actually are good meat. Haven’t ate it myself though to know the taste.
- Rachel McCash CroninKenneth McDade I’ve heard that you can’t eat euthanized meat but I honestly have no idea
. That bear is technically the property of Parks and Wildlife so they will be making all decisions after capture (if he gets captured)
- Jessica KishKenneth McDade bears actually are good meat. Haven’t ate it myself though to know the taste.
- Kenneth McDadeI am glad you are all okay too!
- Rachel McCash CroninKenneth McDade thank you!! Me too!!
- Rachel McCash CroninKenneth McDade thank you!! Me too!!
- Shannon DonnaWowza! Scary stuff. But, you are correct. Bear taking advantage when they can. Us humans have really messed up their world. … See More
- Rachel McCash CroninShannon Donna yes Parks and Wildlife take safety very seriously. Happy they are here to help and teach about proper bear safety
- Rachel McCash CroninShannon Donna yes Parks and Wildlife take safety very seriously. Happy they are here to help and teach about proper bear safety
- Jackie StonerGlad you guys are okay! Curious, what is the goal of trapping? Relocation?
Flor IvetteJackie Stoner she said euthanization!
- Jackie StonerFlor Ivette that sucks, bear’s just being a bear…
- Rachel McCash CroninJackie Stoner yes it’s the policy of Parks and Wildlife. When a bear breaks into homes, that is what they have determined is the best policy for safety
- Jackie StonerFlor Ivette that sucks, bear’s just being a bear…
- Flor IvetteI’m sorry but it’s fucked up that a bear will be euthanized for being a bear.
Jessica KishFlor Ivette a bear like that is not safe. It will kill a person for food if it has to get what it wants.
- Carol BaldwinJessica Kish then people shouldnt go invade HIS home and fuck w nature.
- Jessica KishCarol Baldwin so you’d rather we be overrun and killed by animals? Rachel McCash Cronin is supposed to just say f* it to all the work and dreams they have had with their property? The bear did what it did and now it has consequences.
- Flor IvetteJessica Kish relocation should be the first option.
- Jessica KishFlor Ivette I’m sure they discussed that but this bear has visited their place several times. It would do the same to other campers or households
- Rachel McCash CroninFlor Ivette this is the Parks and Wildlife policy. I would contact them for more info this. Out of our hands
- Rachel McCash CroninFlor Ivette relocation is the first option for most situations. When bears break into homes, is when Parks and Wildlife feel it necessary to make other plans for safety of people and bear.
- Carol BaldwinJessica Kish then people shouldnt go invade HIS home and fuck w nature.
- Frankie McAdams BarlowWow just wow !!!
- Rachel McCash CroninFrankie McAdams Barlow right?!?! So crazy!!
- Rachel McCash CroninFrankie McAdams Barlow right?!?! So crazy!!
- Tibeca YaoWhat a story. I can’t imagine, yet bears are seen here in town every year. And we aren’t a small town either! It is so important to remember that they were here first and do everything we can to protect them while protecting ourselves.
- Rachel McCash CroninTibeca Yao yes absolutely!!
- Jessica KishI was getting super pissed reading. Glad the bear will be dead. I don’t understand why tax dollars have to cover it though. I wouldn’t want myself only have rubber bullets for protection.
- Rachel McCash CroninJessica Kish yeah we are following the guidelines of Parks and Wildlife on this one. Some just do not understand wildlife safety or why certain policies are in place. I respect everyone’s viewpoints but education is key on this one. Important to let th… See More
- Carol BaldwinThat’s really sad the bear will die. You’re the one who intruded on his territory.
- TaNiesha HansenGlad everyone is okay!!! Sheesh….that’s scary!!!
- Rachel McCash CroninTaNiesha Hansen thank you!! Yes we are all okay and doing well
- Rachel McCash CroninTaNiesha Hansen thank you!! Yes we are all okay and doing well
- Jessica Lee SmithAt first read, I thought a 300lb park ranger climbed through your window.
Glad to read everyone is ok!
- Rachel McCash CroninJessica Lee Smith hahaha that would be a big park ranger hahahaha
- Rachel McCash CroninJessica Lee Smith and thank you!! Yes we are all doing much better! All is cleaned up and we are getting a new refrigerator tomorrow
- Kathy WoodruffI’m so glad y’all are ok!!! Wow!!!
- Rachel McCash CroninKathy Woodruff thank you! Yes we are all good over here!! Feeling lucky! Could have been worse, counting our blessings
- Rachel McCash CroninKathy Woodruff thank you! Yes we are all good over here!! Feeling lucky! Could have been worse, counting our blessings
- Handlebar HenryGlad you are ok..that’s an amazing story.
- Rachel McCash CroninHandlebar Henry thank you, we are happy and grateful we are all okay too!!
- Handlebar HenryI wish there was a way that the bear could be relocated..that’s the only sad part. But they are right..once a bear gets a chance at food they do return.
- Rachel McCash CroninHandlebar Henry yeah I agree!! I at first thought relocation when the park ranger was setting up the trap. That is the usual plan for most encounters. But when a bear learns how to break into homes, that is when their policy changes. So far, nothing in the trap. We have until Friday and then they pick the trap back up with or without a bear
- Rachel McCash CroninHandlebar Henry thank you, we are happy and grateful we are all okay too!!
- Martha Jean Morrison MontgomeryWow, so sorry you guys have to deal with this. Stay safe.
- Rachel McCash CroninMartha Jean Morrison Montgomery we will for sure! The park ranger praised us for our efforts already. Only a few minor tweaks to finish our bear safety prep to help prevent future encounters
- Rachel McCash CroninMartha Jean Morrison Montgomery we will for sure! The park ranger praised us for our efforts already. Only a few minor tweaks to finish our bear safety prep to help prevent future encounters
- Diana EROh my goodness!! That’s so wild! I’m so glad to hear everyone, all kitties included, are ok! Please let us know if you need anything!
- Rachel McCash CroninDiana ER for sure!! I think a play date would be great!!
I can’t believe how fast summer has flown by!!
- Rachel McCash CroninDiana ER and honestly we are all good! I deep cleaned everything that night, yesterday I took all bedding to a laundry mat and washed on hot to sanitize anything that may have jumped off the bear (I was worried about bugs, etc) and tonight we pick up a new refrigerator.
We are brainstorming new ways to bear proof—having a talk radio station play while we are gone, etc. It will all work out
. Miss you
- Diana ERRachel McCash Cronin yes! We do need a playdate soon! I think we’ll be homeschooling this year, so at least our schedule will be flexible
- Rachel McCash CroninDiana ER for sure!! I think a play date would be great!!
- AnnaLea HigginbothamYikes so scary!! Glad you’re all okay! Hope the trap catches him soon!
- Rachel McCash CroninAnnaLea Higginbotham yes very scary!! So far he has not returned. We’ll see if he shows or not
- Rachel McCash CroninAnnaLea Higginbotham yes very scary!! So far he has not returned. We’ll see if he shows or not
- Karen McCashPlease come visit my house….
- Rachel McCash CroninKaren McCash yes!!! Come get a house in CO and we’ll help you move in!
- Rachel McCash CroninKaren McCash yes!!! Come get a house in CO and we’ll help you move in!
- Karen McCash
- Christene SowbySo sad for you, and so sad for the bear. Glad everyone is OK!
- Rachel McCash CroninChristene Sowby yes, agree with all of that
. So far he has not returned. Maybe he heard what will happen if he does and is off to stay in the National Forest
- Rachel McCash CroninChristene Sowby yes, agree with all of that
- Allison JonesHoly cow! As a fulltimer I must say that’s crazy and so scary. I cant believe he got in that window. So glad everyone is ok. Things can be fixed and replaced.
- Rachel McCash CroninAllison Jones I’m so shocked too!!! Never leaving our windows open ever again hahaha
- Rachel McCash CroninAllison Jones I’m so shocked too!!! Never leaving our windows open ever again hahaha
- Kenneth McDadeDid they catch the big guy yet?
- Rachel McCash CroninKenneth McDade no…. they collected the empty trap today. Hoping he stays away but we will see
- Rachel McCash CroninKenneth McDade no…. they collected the empty trap today. Hoping he stays away but we will see
- Christion SadlerWhoa! That’s nuts
- Rayann ReigenbornJeramy Reigenborn