My whole life, I’ve had this feeling I’m meant to do “something great”. Anyone else?? I feel this is a somewhat common inner longing. The best part for me has been all the phases I’ve experienced in my quest for aligning this feeling with my soul purpose. I’ve been a model, an actor, a singer, a song writer, a fitness trainer, a waitress, a wife, a mother, a business owner, a writer, a producer, a manifesting coach, a land owner and now, an off-grid homesteader with so much more ahead (I know this phase will lead to many more!). As I’ve grown up, I’ve realized more and more that life is about becoming our best self—and that becoming process can include many titles, many roles and many versions of ourselves. As the years go by, I’ve learned how important it is to let ourselves evolve—to let our intuition guide us and not get in the way of the divine path created for us. If you would have told me 10 years ago I would be living off grid in the Colorado wild, I would have laughed. But I find it so incredible how this journey has helped unlock all the FEELINGS I’ve ever wanted. I love how I feel on our land. I love how challenging and rewarding it is to live off the grid. I love how much I’ve learned and grown. And I love how this choice is showing me the potential for what it will feel like when I fulfill the longing of my soul —the feeling of accomplishing something “great”. Nat Hurt Photography

- Renee ClaireLove this!
- Bryan HuddlestonYou, and along with you, your good husband, are living great right now. Personal viewpoint – it’s not clear that there is more great in the big achievement than there is in the way you send it, daily. You guys inspire me, big. I can’t even imagine how it would be to be y’all’s children. Perfect parents to nurture them as the imcredible generation that they are part of. No limits.
- Rachel McCash CroninBryan Huddleston oh wow this makes my day!!
Thank you for your kind words and powerful insight!! It’s so needed to be reminded of these things sometimes because it is a journey and the journey has lots of ups and downs. So grateful for you!!
- Rachel McCash CroninBryan Huddleston oh wow this makes my day!!
- Laura EvansI love this sooo much!!!
- Rachel McCash CroninLaura Evans I’m glad this resonates with you! And I’m not the only one that feels this way too
- Rachel McCash CroninLaura Evans I’m glad this resonates with you! And I’m not the only one that feels this way too
- Danielle D’FiennesYes. Just trying to figure out what that is.
- Rachel McCash CroninDanielle D’Fiennes yes!! I’m starting to see how incredible it really is seeing how everything is set up to help us figure out what it is. I feel like I’m finally in the surrender phase and it’s been amazing to watch what’s next unfold. All experiences are training us both for who we are meant to become
- Rachel McCash CroninDanielle D’Fiennes yes!! I’m starting to see how incredible it really is seeing how everything is set up to help us figure out what it is. I feel like I’m finally in the surrender phase and it’s been amazing to watch what’s next unfold. All experiences are training us both for who we are meant to become
- Handlebar HenryI have done a number of things that are great. Saved almost 100 peoples lives. Helped Neil Armstrong out a name a few
- Rachel McCash CroninHandlebar Henry wow that is amazing!! How did you help Neil Armstrong?
- Handlebar HenryRachel McCash Cronin Long story..I owned neilarmstrong dot com net and org for about 14 years. As your husband about this ..he’s probably find it interesting. I dontated them to Purdue about 7 or 8 years ago.
- Rachel McCash CroninHandlebar Henry wow that is amazing!! How did you help Neil Armstrong?
- Heidi LynnThis is perfect xox
- Evelyn ElvegaardYou are so amazing Rachel. I just adore you
- Loni GeeThe power a single person has is amazing; the power of a team, unbelievable! You got a great team!
- Michael T HooverI second with Bryan! But honestly before I read his comment my thoughts were, “you listed all those things that you have done and have been, and you don’t yet think that you’ve done something great!!
… Okay let us know when you have personally created a porthole into endless possibilities of Alternate Universes of Bliss and euphoria, then maybe you will have arrived at doing something great! Hahaha
… And just in case there’s anyone out there in this universe that thinks I’m really serious about the last statement, then I hope you fall into a portal of sarcasm and humor! Lol… Okay for the record: Rachel, you are AMAZING!