Captain’s Log: City to Gritty And then there was ONE. We are on our very last approved GC. We finally were able to contact our current one by calling him with an unsaved number . I have no idea why some people feel avoiding their clients is good business but hey— at least we FINALLY heard back that he finds our project impossible for his crew. I should have known when he didn’t even want to look out at our view because he was scared of the edge. Edges are a big part of mountain building…. But hey— that leaves us with ONE LAST APPROVED BUILDER. And this approved builder was actually the first builder we ever spoke to—maybe this full circle journey was needed. They have an opening spring of 2021! So, SPRING it is!! And hopefully this will be our last winter in our RV. We are currently getting a bid put together to not exceed our max budget from this new builder. They are also vetting out Avrame to make sure they will be able to warranty the kit, too. The good news is, they have had so many positive kit experiences they feel it should be no problem (wow!!) And the other good news is Avrame was just featured in Dwell and blowing up!! I love they are getting positive press during this vetting process! So… our summer projects include getting our RV set up with solar, getting it skirted and saving LIKE CRAZY for our well. Our well will be drilled September 23-24. Mountain drilling is $27 a foot. And the average is 600 feet. Let’s hope we are average and this is the last thing we pay for outside our construction loan
. Knowing now it’s another winter in the RV gives me time to process and further surrender. Positive vibes this last company signs with us!!! They are literally our last option and last hope in keeping our dream alive. AND THERE ARE SO MANY BENEFITS to our project too
. Yes, it’s dirt roads. Yes, it’s off-grid. Yes, it’s raw land. Yes, it’s 4 miles away from town, but MY GOSH—it’s gonna be INCREDIBLE
Jeff HerreraDon’t Stop… Believin!