You know you’re an off-gridder when you literally do 11 loads of laundry at a laundry mat because you have 2 boys and a husband that love the mud, come home and the handle on your laundry basket breaks—sending all your folded + clean laundry directly into the mud again 😭😭😭. Head back to the laundry mat and rewash 2 more times to get the mud out. And you literally have to go to 4 different outdoor recreation stores to find rubber boots for your family. 🤯 ALL outdoor recreation stores should carry rubber boots!!! 🤯🤯🤯 IMHO—-you’re not a “real” outdoor rec store if you don’t carry them 🙄 #REIfail #dicksfail #bootbarnfail #bigRforthewin

- Amanda Stitt Your stories are the reasons I will never ever live in the snowy mountains off grid 😂😂 What an enormous hassle.
- Rachel McCash Cronin Amanda Stitt OMG I told my hubs to get our little RV washer back up and running ASAP. We basically have to remove the plastic pipes, take them apart, remove the ice, and then put them back together since the ice is just not melting at all— even with our back to back 55 degree days. Once that is done, no more laundry mats!! Plus, my fav $80 leggings with pockets went missing at this laundry mat 😭. Leggings with pockets are life!! 🤣💯
- Kayla Lee Amanda Stitt in 3-7 years though were all going to be jelly! Lol
- Mike Kasper dump boiling water down your drains and let the hot water break up the ice
- Rachel McCash Cronin Mike Kasper that is a great idea!! It’s our outside pipes—not the RV. But we can totally dump boiling water in our IBC tote and see if it melts it !!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Kayla Lee haha we’ll see!! Definitely by then our cabin, barn, pasture, chicken coop, beehive and greenhouse will be built! One step at a time haha
- Amanda Stitt I lived in an RV for 18 months and I am definitely not cut out for that
kind of roughing it so kudos for your hard work. We did it to avoid homelessness so completely different situation but I just hated it. - Rachel McCash Cronin Amanda Stitt oh it is so hard!!! I’ve talked to so many and anyone who claims RV life as a family with kids is FUN—is LYING or trying to sell something. Hahaha! Definitely never ideal. But doable for temporary situations for sure
- Kayla Lee Have you seen the tiny washing machines you pedal? I know it wouldn’t be good for a lot of laundry but could be useful in a pinch?
- Rachel McCash Cronin Kayla Lee those are awesome!! These look great for mud management for sure too! Can throw it in to help prevent or minimize stains
- Kayla Lee Rachel McCash Cronin yeah and they’re crank or pedal depending so you don’t need to hook them up to power
- Diana Grover Larsen Oh my what an adventure! You got this girl!!!
- Dina Imankulova I feel you girl. All my kids find the muddiest spots. I love white clothes and I don’t understand why I keep buying them. Not a single clean piece of clothes in our house.
- Rachel McCash Cronin Dina Imankulova I’m the same!! I love white! 🤣😭😭😭
- Erin Elizabeth Greenfield I love Big R!!!!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Erin Elizabeth Greenfield they were the only store with rubber boots in stock!! And they were like $40! The other stores were online only and $150. I would never spend that much on something that will just get ruined in a few months haha
- Erin Elizabeth Greenfield Rachel McCash Cronin we buy a ton from them. They do an amazing carhart sale every spring btw so keep an eye out.
- Kim MacLurg Oh man!
- Shari Ritter So, do they not know how to do their own laundry?
- Rachel McCash Cronin Shari Ritter I hope they will one day! My boys are 3 and 6. They do like to help transferring the clothes from washer to dryer and putting in the coins! My hubs works full time. Team effort
- Brook Nuttall Mud is the worst!
- A few loads of gravel will go a long way to cut down on the mud.
- Rachel McCash Cronin Brook Nuttall oh yeah! We totally want to do that once we finish dirt work! We are still working on widening our build pad and then cutting out a huge 30ft x 80ft section of mountainside to build a road to where our septic will be installed soon. Getting so close!!
- Brook Nuttall Exciting!
I feel for you.
One day at a time.
- Adrianne Reyes Aww girl… Your definitely a trooper. My nerves would have been fried. Your youngest definitely loves the mud :p