No snow yet!!! But mesmerizing clouds! Took a morning walk through the clouds—had to—this is by far my favorite type of weather. I can’t get over how silent and still it is up here. You could hear a pin drop outside right now. One of my kitties joined me too! I never knew how much cats loved hiking until moving off grid. Cats are the best hiking companions
And I just can’t get over these backyard views this morning
- Michal Marie
- Laura ElizabethThat’s so beautiful
- ActiveRachel McCash CroninLaura Elizabeth I love it when we are in the clouds!!
- ActiveRachel McCash CroninLaura Elizabeth I love it when we are in the clouds!!
- Jayme MarquezYou are SO right about hiking with cats…they’re the BEST
- ActiveRachel McCash CroninJayme Marquez they are the best!! They can climb any surface, trees, etc. Are extra sensitive to sounds and wildlife to alert for potential threats, are tiny and cute and super soft
- ActiveRachel McCash CroninJayme Marquez they are the best!! They can climb any surface, trees, etc. Are extra sensitive to sounds and wildlife to alert for potential threats, are tiny and cute and super soft
- Bonnie BarlowOmg !! Animals love outside also
- ActiveRachel McCash CroninBonnie Barlow yes I
am an advocate of cats getting daily outdoor time—they love it!! And makes for happier cats!
- ActiveRachel McCash CroninBonnie Barlow yes I
- Anka BrechtelIt’s moving in now. Let’s hope for thundersnow
- ActiveRachel McCash CroninAnka Brechtel omg thundersnow is so crazy!! I don’t think I’ve actually seen that up here yet
- Anka BrechtelRachel McCash Cronin me either. Fingers crossed we get snow
- ActiveRachel McCash CroninAnka Brechtel omg thundersnow is so crazy!! I don’t think I’ve actually seen that up here yet
- Michael T HooverSo wildly awesome!
- Donny ColeWatch out for mountain lions
- Rachel McCash CroninDonny Cole so far it’s been 3 years and I’ve never seen any big cats. For the most part, mountain lions are extremely skittish and terrified of humans—which is great news for us! We occasionally see mountain lion tracks—but never see the actual cats. Black bears on the other hand are another story. We get tons!!! They are everywhere and are not shy at all about being seen
- Donny ColeRachel McCash CroninIf yall are in CO its just a matter of time till you see one. Seen 3 around chief hosa area in last year
- Rachel McCash CroninDonny Cole yes they will most likely be in the trees . We always scan them when hiking.Play GIFTenor
- Rachel McCash CroninDonny Cole so far it’s been 3 years and I’ve never seen any big cats. For the most part, mountain lions are extremely skittish and terrified of humans—which is great news for us! We occasionally see mountain lion tracks—but never see the actual cats. Black bears on the other hand are another story. We get tons!!! They are everywhere and are not shy at all about being seen
- Jessica Kishso snowmegedan didn’t happen
- Rachel McCash CroninJessica Kish not yet anyways. They keep moving the time the snow is supposed to happen
- Rachel McCash CroninJessica Kish not yet anyways. They keep moving the time the snow is supposed to happen
- Katie TissHiking with my cat is #catmomgoals
- Rachel McCash CroninKatie Tiss it’s so fun!! Try doing a harness and a leash at first! That is what we did when we trained our kitten squad. Now they don’t need either
- Rachel McCash CroninKatie Tiss it’s so fun!! Try doing a harness and a leash at first! That is what we did when we trained our kitten squad. Now they don’t need either
- Mike RayWeird people hike with cats. Weirder people hike with cats on a leash. Lol
- ActiveRachel McCash CroninMike Ray
true!! But better a cat than a dog!
cats burry their poop and don’t jump on you. #nopoopbagsinmyhands
- Mike RayNow. They just play in I and crawl on your counters and pillows
- Rachel McCash Cronin
- Mike Ray haha this is accurate although you can train them not to go on counters. I think it may be impossible to train against pillows though
- Mike RayPlay GIFTenor
- Rachel McCash CroninMike Ray the cat gods are smiling upon this lady
- ActiveRachel McCash CroninMike Ray
- Jai MacklinGives a whole new meaning of walking around with your head in the clouds! You’ve picked such an amazing place to seek your dreams!
- Tay LorWait is this your cat?!
- ActiveRachel McCash CroninTay Lor yep lol I have 2 white cats, 1 orange cat
and a black cat
- Tay LorRachel McCash Cronin I love it!! Such a pretty cat! I wish I could take mine on hikes!
- ActiveRachel McCash CroninTay Lor yep lol I have 2 white cats, 1 orange cat