The storm that predicted 46”-90”…… we got 12”!!
Which was the perfect amount for skiing the driveway, sledding and 4 wheeling!!
Living off grid can be challenging, but it also can be fun. We’ve never skied the driveway before!! And with several days of clouds, we’ve switched from solar to generator power. I’m always slightly excited about the generator only because that’s when I get to use the heated blankets .Happy snow day!!!
- Christion SadlerThat’s so fun!
- Rachel McCash CroninChristion Sadler yes!! Great snow day so far!!
- Rachel McCash CroninChristion Sadler yes!! Great snow day so far!!
- Linda McLaughlinGreat pix and great fun!
- Rachel McCash CroninLinda McLaughlin yes!! Love that Dr. Cronin got to be the first person to ski Cronin Mountain!!
- Rachel McCash CroninLinda McLaughlin yes!! Love that Dr. Cronin got to be the first person to ski Cronin Mountain!!
- Donny ColeSame here. But the wind is building pretty high drifts
- Rachel McCash CroninDonny Cole wow so the storm is headed west now?
- Donny ColeRachel McCash CroninNo. Think south. Im just north of denv
- Donny ColeRachel McCash CroninLooks like sun trying to come through. Bright out
- ActiveRachel McCash CroninDonny Cole ooohhhhh okay be safe!! I’ve heard the north will get more snow
- Donny ColeRachel McCash CroninNo. Think south. Im just north of denv
- Loni GeeWe have a friend who has 40 acres near Ft Collins- he got 48 inches!
- Rachel McCash CroninLoni Gee omg that is so much snow!!!
- Rachel McCash CroninLoni Gee omg that is so much snow!!!
- Kristel DawnI’ll be up tomorrow for another run!!!!
- Rachel McCash CroninKristel Dawn
- Patrick HamptonYou got 12” we still going.
- ActiveRachel McCash CroninPatrick Hampton hahaha ohhh no how many inches where you are? The clouds broke and clear skies now so I think we are done hopefully
- Patrick HamptonRachel McCash Cronin Arvada. And, it’s still snowing. But, I think we got the most of it.
- Rachel McCash CroninPatrick Hampton be safe!!
- Patrick HamptonRachel McCash Cronin shovelling today reminded me of worse
when you come from Maine and Canada
- Patrick HamptonWe got 27” double the projections.
- Amanda StilesY’all have so much fun no matter what! I love that about your family!
- ActiveRachel McCash CroninAmanda Stiles yes everything is an opportunity for us haha!!
- ActiveRachel McCash CroninAmanda Stiles yes everything is an opportunity for us haha!!
- Vickie BarlowThat looks so fun!!
- Rachel McCash CroninVickie Barlow soaking it in! Hoping this is the LAST major snowstorm of the season though haha
- Tamara Schwartzlooks like a great time
- Shown Reine Boldan46 to 90 that is a crazy estimate, YIKES I am glad you are enjoying it!
- Rachel McCash CroninShown Reine Boldan haha I know!!!
- Shown Reine BoldanRachel McCash Cronin l ol that’s right
- Jennifer BakerIf you get a chair lift, I will be right over!
- Rachel McCash CroninJennifer Baker haha yesssss !!! We’ve looked at a few designs —definitely in the long term plans
- Rachel McCash CroninJennifer Baker haha yesssss !!! We’ve looked at a few designs —definitely in the long term plans