This is long, and I sobbed typing it. It’s worth it
Not long ago, I decided to do what I really want to do.For the longest time, I wouldn’t though. I put my visionary dreams on a pedestal. A pedestal so high it distanced them even more. And I looked at that distance as all the reasons I couldn’t go straight for my dreams.
So instead, I partnered with things I didn’t want to do, so I could “create the means” to do what I really wanted to do. Surely, by doing something else, it would help me until I could quit and do what I really wanted. Sounds ridiculous, right? But so many of us do this!! Why?!? Why?!?
Because we are terrified. We are terrified of working on our dreams because if we did them, we’d have to take them off their pedestals. We’d have to face them and look them in their eyes and that’s terrifying. It’s easier to say we’re not ready. It’s easier to do something else. But not long ago, I asked myself a question. “What if I just did what wanted? What if I skipped the part of doing something else? What if I dedicated all my effort into who I’ve always wanted to be? What would happen?”
The last few weeks have been scary, transformational, and today, highly emotional. I’ve joined clubs, hired coaches and gone all in with the things I know I want to do in this life. I’m not waiting anymore. And I’m scared I’m going to mess it up. But I keep going forward. Each day and each hour is doable. When I break it down, I don’t notice the fear.
I’ve been saying yes to everything that’s the real me. Sometimes I can’t believe the things I’m saying and doing because I’m going for them instead of my excuses. It’s refreshing, rejuvenating and the most terrifying process I’ve ever been through. But I’m so ready.
Today I went to take out the trash—part of my usual evening chores routine. And when I turned around and I saw this view, my backyard, I started laughing and crying at the same time. Just the strangest ugliest of crying followed my the most intense feelings of gratitude I can describe.
It’s so beautiful. The challenges are worth it. The pedestals are gone. It’s okay to be terrified. It’s okay to mess up. The truth is, living the dream isn’t perfect. It’s messy. It’s full of learning. It hurts sometimes. It’s emotional and it’s pure bliss all at the same time. The secret is, just do what you really want. Dont put it on a pedestal. Dont waste time doing something else first. Skip to the part when you quit to do what you really want and do that first. You deserve it.
- Theresa Mae WoodBeautiful words!!!!!
And breathtaking photos, even though it looks cold
- Rachel McCash CroninTheresa Mae Wood thank you!! And it’s about 31 F degrees out today but I went outside in just a tank top for the trash so yeah, it felt wayyy colder lol
- Rachel McCash CroninTheresa Mae Wood thank you!! And it’s about 31 F degrees out today but I went outside in just a tank top for the trash so yeah, it felt wayyy colder lol
- Kylee BrownThat is beautiful! Looks a little cold, but beautiful.
- Rachel McCash CroninKylee Brown yes it was a but chilly today—so ready for spring!!
- Kylee BrownRachel McCash Cronin oh I am so ready! I love to see snow in the mountains with green fields below.
- Rachel McCash CroninKylee Brown yes it was a but chilly today—so ready for spring!!
- Tamara McGrathYou said a mouth full there..and one day in near future, you will be especially glad to be where you are doing what you do
- Rachel McCash CroninTamara McGrath haha I tend to do that when emotions flow! And yes, so true!!
- Rachel McCash CroninTamara McGrath haha I tend to do that when emotions flow! And yes, so true!!
- Leah Kemeny RangelYou inspire me Rachel! Are you looking for some neighbors? I keep showing my husband your adventures and our hearts are burning and the wheels in our brains are turning
- Rachel McCash CroninLeah Kemeny Rangel thank you so much! There is a property for sale down the road from us. It needs work lol but it’s on 22 acres with a stream and waterfalls, so plenty of space to build elsewhere haha or fix up the existing cabin. I can send you the link to check it out!
- Priscilla NicoleRachel McCash Cronin Can you send me that link please!
- Rachel McCash CroninLeah Kemeny Rangel thank you so much! There is a property for sale down the road from us. It needs work lol but it’s on 22 acres with a stream and waterfalls, so plenty of space to build elsewhere haha or fix up the existing cabin. I can send you the link to check it out!
- Jai MacklinGorgeous! So true. Following your dreams is hard and challenging, but it’s the hard and challenging I choose. It never feels fast enough, but when we dream we must dream big enough that we challenge ourselves to grow into the people who can reach those dreams.
- Rachel McCash CroninJai Macklin yes we all have to choose our “hard”. It’s hard to go for our dreams. But to me, it would be harder not to.
- Rachel McCash CroninJai Macklin yes we all have to choose our “hard”. It’s hard to go for our dreams. But to me, it would be harder not to.
- Crystal QuinnThat’s beautiful thankyou
- Rachel McCash CroninCrystal Quinn thank you for reading my novella
- Crystal QuinnRachel McCash Cronin thankyou for taking the time to write it
- Rachel McCash CroninCrystal Quinn thank you for reading my novella
- Sheri Freedom LynnElizabeth King I thought of you when reading this.
- Kat DavidsonI felt that feeling in NM the other day getting our motorhome into servicing- We didn’t have kids, life was so different then and we’ve had to adapt, but there’s glory in the struggle!! Education, resources, and discipline… the last is so important and you have it, can’t wait to celebrate with you all when your vision is complete.
You are doing amazing things!!
- Rachel McCash CroninKat Davidson there is glory!!! Great way to word the feels!! So excited for your project as well and how we can link arms through it all!
- Rachel McCash CroninKat Davidson there is glory!!! Great way to word the feels!! So excited for your project as well and how we can link arms through it all!
- Robyn BrownGood thoughts.
- Rachel McCash CroninRobyn Brown thank you for reading!!!
- Rachel McCash CroninRobyn Brown thank you for reading!!!
- Kali DassGod is blessing you for living in your fullness and truth.
- Tatum LangtonWow. This is so profound to me. Simple, yet profound. And my spirit has told me this for decades, and I still struggle to do it. Thank you for sharing these words
- Hazel JuneBeautiful view!
- Jayme MarquezSo true Rachel!!