Never did I ever imagine the obstacles we’ve faced over the past 7 months in building our dream off-grid A-frame cabin. Interviewing 18 builders to find ONE that likes A-frames. Researching architects and cabin options that are compatible with this unique location. Learning about construction, roads, wells, solar systems, septic systems, wind power, wind speed and snow. Learning about water rights, cisterns, mountain lions, black bears and watching a black bear just walk through our campsite when we camped off-grid for nearly 100 days right in this spot.
But even with all the research, all the delays, renovating our camper from the ground up only to abandon ship to an apartment when we realized 120 sq/ft off grid as a family of 4 + pet cat just wasn’t something we could sustain forever (going through generators, hauling our frozen sewage down the mountain, bathing in a tiny tiny tiny bathtub, getting legally CAPPED at buying freshwater and forced collect rain and snow if we were to stay, etc).
WE STILL RISE. We still visualize. We research and we find better and better deals like our incredible partnership with Avrame, an Estonian A-frame cabin company that is making our dream a reality. We still plan daily (talk about our epic 14’ sliding door and spiral staircases!!) And though it’s taken so much longer than we ever imagined-I’m so glad we did it. So glad we chose to sell our house and go on this crazy, wild adventure into the wild.
- Jessica Kish It will be amazing
- Rachel McCash Cronin Jessica Kish thank you!! Hopefully we will break ground in May!!
- Michael T Hoover I love how you guys plan and jump all in learning also as you go!… Black bears are cool aren’t they!?
- Rachel McCash Cronin Michael T Hoover they are much bigger than at the zoo and SO MUCH FASTER. It was at our shed and by the time we got inside our camper it was walking by our picnic table ?
- Karen McCash I admire the fierce courage and determination you all have to create your refuge and home. I believe all the challenges will become champion and reward your children especially. ..love you all so much!
- Mario J McCash One day you’ll all look back and laugh so hard you’ll pee your pants!!!