May 17th, 2020 — Building Raised Beds for the Greenhouse

Sunday project completed— built beds for our garden! This was more work than we thought but thanks to my handy hubs we got it all done quick with minimal sunburns 😂. So excited to pick up more top soil + potting soil and get everything planted!! I’m still waiting on more organic seeds I ordered over 10 days ago— but once they arrive they will be planted too! This is my first garden!! I’m excited to learn, raise plants and feed my family right from our homestead! 🌱🍓🥬🥒🌽🥕🌶🍅


  • Susan Kemer There is a group High Tunnels for beginners that is really helpful.
    You will be amazed!! Buy some row cover if you are expecting more cool nights. Feel free to ask me any questions you might have!
  • Katherine Davidson Aww looks like a great family day!!
  • Shannon Donna Wayyy to goooo!!!
  • Robyn Brown Oh to be young and full of energy.
  • Holly G Jury No voles or ground squirrels there? we had to put hardware cloth across the bottom of our beds and greenhouse
    • Rachel McCash Cronin Holly G Jury I had to look up what a vole was 😂🙈. Yes we have mice up here but have you seen our mountain kitty? He catches mice, birds and even a rabbit once. We do have black squirrels up here. I haven’t seen any on our property but I know they live up here. I have a feeling our cat could get those too. This is our starter greenhouse to learn—so we’ll see all we’ll need to add. Our end greenhouse is one from Growing Spaces Greenhouses and they are already predator proof. They are also $20k+ hahaha so we are getting our feet wet with this high tunnel before investing
    • Holly G Jury voles are in the ground and eat the roots:) very hard for kitty’s to catch! you will never see them but you may see some holes. if you get hardware cloth and lay it under before you add soil you’ll avoid them eating your plants. Seems they are all over and you don’t know till your plants dead
    • Rachel McCash Cronin Holly G Jury okay good to know!! We’ll do that! Thanks for the tip! 🙌🏻
  • Mario J McCash

  • I’ll light the fire
    You put the flowers in the vase that you bought today

    Staring at the fire for hours and hours while I listen to you
    Play your love songs all night long for me, only for me

    Come to me now and rest your head for just five minutes, everything is good

    Such a cozy room, the windows are illuminated by the
    Sunshine through them, fiery gems for you, only for you

    Our house is a very, very, very fine house with two cats in the yard
    Life used to be so hard
    Now everything is easy ’cause of you

    And our la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

    Our house is a very, very, very fine house with two cats in the yard
    Life used to be so hard
    Now everything is easy ’cause of you

    And our
    I’ll light the fire while you place the flowers in the vase that you bought today
  • Mario J McCash Karen McCash
  • Mario J McCash Rachel McCash Cronin
  • Lorinda Marie Look into Mels mix for your next garden! It’s a mixture of vermiculite, peet moss, and mushroom compost. That’s it!! Most amazing growing mixture for produce. My veggies always look like they’re on steroids!