I don’t post candid shots of inside our RV very often. Maybe part of me is embarrassed our temporary living has lasted more than a year. Or maybe I don’t want people to know we live ultra-tiny in a trailer when we do other things like private school. 🤔 😂 But this is our home. We hang up our kids artwork and praise all accomplishments. We cuddle and watch movies on the iPad or computer. We cook on our gas stove and eat together for every meal. We celebrate victories like my husband’s team placing 8th out of over 1,000 teams (top 10 baby!!) for a cyber security competition and advancing to the next round for a $50k grand prize. Or kindergarten graduations. We enjoy million dollar views outside all our windows mortgage-free (for now anyways—gotta build this house!) And take time everyday to work towards our future with off-grid homesteading. Though I never thought this would be my home—it is—and I love it. I cherish the life we’ve created. Everyday builds so much gratitude for everything we are and are creating. We’ve all changed so much. We take nothing for granted. And I know I’ll look back on this time, after our house is built, and know it was the hardest thing we ever did but brought us everything we’ve ever dreamed of… 💗💗💗

- Danielle Cruzen I grew up in a trailer from age 10-19. I feel you. I have to say though, it looks really cozy and nice, you’ve done a good job with it.❤️🤩🤗
- Rachel McCash Cronin Danielle Cruzen that is a long time! We are really hoping to wrap this up over the next year. Our build will take 8 months once we start—so close! 🤞🏻
- Brooke Weisbender-Wadsworth Love it! 🖤 Yes yes yes to so many MOST important things.
- Rachel McCash Cronin Brooke Weisbender-Wadsworth Aw yes!! You guys are a great example to us too!! Start living our dream NOW and the dream house will come with time too 💗
- Brooke Weisbender-Wadsworth Rachel McCash Cronin be willing to make the “sacrifice” to live within means to grow sustainably ♥️
- Nicole Merino Absolutely beautiful!!!! 🥰🥰🥰 I’m in love…
- Rachel McCash Cronin Nicole Merino thank you!! We love the white shiplap Joanna Gaines coined! 😍😍😍
- Jeff Herrera Think of the strength of character developing in all of you. So beautiful… The Alchemy of the soul.
- Rachel McCash Cronin Jeff Herrera aw yes!! Love how you worded that, “the alchemy of the soul” 😍✨✨✨
- Bryan Huddleston So beautiful, and so inspiring! What a great example, and influence, you guys are for many~
- Rachel McCash Cronin Bryan Huddleston wow thank you!! Definitely been a journey and your kind words mean so much! 🙏🏻
- Merrissa M Williams Beautiful! I love reading your posts. What your family is doing is a total inspiration for me. Thank you!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Merrissa M Williams thank you for your kind words!! It means more than you know, especially on the hard days. Because we do have our hard days haha but our vision is clear and we will keep on keeping on until we reach the finish line 💗✨🙏🏻
- Katie Barrett I ❤️ it! I dream of doing this and traveling and learning.
- Rachel McCash Cronin Katie Barrett love this!! Definitely go for it!! We did many “upgrades” in our RV that I’ll be making a video about soon that have made a huge difference for full time living. I’ll share when it’s done! 😍
- Katie Barrett Rachel McCash Cronin we just purchased our first home in Sept. And have 6 kids out of 9 still at home. It will prayerfully be fully paid off in 8 years. This is in the plan then. 🙌
- Chelsey Taylor So cute!!!! I want this life🤩
- Rachel McCash Cronin Chelsey Taylor go for it girl!! Sometimes you just gotta jump and the net will appear after! 🤗
- Corazon Javier Ketchem
- Misty Sedlock Smith Beautiful💗 I love it
- Rachel McCash Cronin Misty Sedlock Smith thank you! Our little home sweet home 🥰
- Jamie Lynn It’s beautiful. Looks so, so peaceful!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Jamie Lynn thank you! We do try for that vibe as much as we can 👨👩👦👦 💗
- Katherine Davidson I want to redo the inside of our RV so bad!! I love everything that can be done in such a small space!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Katherine Davidson it’s a big project but so worth it! If we end up another winter in our RV we will he redoing it again— bunk beds for the boys and turn the crib back into a table haha. It’s makes a big difference!
- Lisa Mckown It’s cute!!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Lisa Mckown thank you!! 😀
- Candace McCollett Doula I wanna see more!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Candace McCollett Doula I think I’ll do an RV your for our next YouTube video! You can also check out our “albums” on our website for a photo tour— it’s near the bottom. www.croninmountain.com 💗💗💗
CRONINMOUNTAIN.COMCronin Mountain – Off-Grid Homesteading, Adventures,…Cronin Mountain – Off-Grid Homesteading, Adventures, Retreats1
- Angela Breeden Giravi It’s very cute❤️
- Rae Lloyd Angela Breeden Giravi agree d
- Rachel McCash Cronin Thank you both so much!! We had to rebuild it from the ground up—it was a ton of work but really happy with the result 🥰
- Rachel McCash Cronin Candace McCollett Doula I think I’ll do an RV your for our next YouTube video! You can also check out our “albums” on our website for a photo tour— it’s near the bottom. www.croninmountain.com 💗💗💗
- Terri Lee It looks beautiful and cozy and filled with love. ❤️❤️❤️
- Rachel McCash Cronin Terri Lee thank you!! Home is love!! 💕
- Andrea Kaye Roman Queen You’re amazzzzinngg!! <3
- Rachel McCash Cronin Andrea Kaye Roman Queen thanks momma!!! Manifesting some big things with this project!! ✨
- Torsten Bangerter I wish my trailer looked that clean.
- Rachel McCash Cronin Torsten Bangerter hahaha I’m just a neat freak. I sweep/mop daily and wash the walls weekly. 🧼 I really enjoy cleaning 🧹
- Amber Rodriguez “Live like no one else so that later you can live like no one else.” Dave Ramsey.
It’s a beautiful space and it looks cozyyyy!- Rachel McCash Cronin Amber Rodriguez EXACTLY!!! This is what we believe in too!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
- Rae Lloyd You inspire me
- Rachel McCash Cronin Rae Lloyd your kind words mean so much!! Definitely not easy but short term sacrifice for long term benefit is worth it 🥰
- Stephanie Victoria <3 <3 <3
- Cassie Chatman I live it you are such an amazing women and kill it everything and damn girl its beautiful
- Rachel McCash Cronin Cassie Chatman girl thank you!! That means so much to me! I’ve loved watching you crush it in modeling!! You’re amazing! 🔥
- Cassie Chatman Rachel McCash Cronin thank you love big things coming
- Jessica Kish Cat looks so comfy.
- Rachel McCash Cronin Jessica Kish hahaha yes he is. He is definitely spoiled haha
- Mindy Burnette It’s so beautiful girl and never be embarrassed!!! I lived in a camper with my mom and my daughter after she was born, for 2yrs! It wasn’t near as pretty as yours either and I had to put up the sofa bed daily!!!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Mindy Burnette Aw I totally feel that! Living tiny takes lots of adjusting!
- Mindy Burnette Rachel McCash Cronin Yes it sure does!!!!
- Poppy Sailor Lee
- Mary Crouch Thanks for sharing! We’ll be buying a camper this year and moving to our 6 acres while we build our house. It’s exciting, but it’ll be a rough period. Thankful for all the land we can send the kids out to play on when it’s nice, though!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Mary Crouch yes exactly! That is key for us. As soon as the boys wake up, they get dressed and go outside until breakfast is ready. Makes a big difference in morning vibes and it’s so healthy too!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Mary Crouch keep me posted on your journey!! That is so exciting!!
- Sandra Dynes It’s awesome!!!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Sandra Dynes thank you! 💕💕
- Amy Jane Stewart LOVE IT. Quality living!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Amy Jane Stewart yes! Thank you! Focusing on what is most important is key! 🔑 💕
- Daria Ellington You’re inspiring and true inspiration rarely looks like a curated Instagram post.
- Rachel McCash Cronin Daria Ellington aw thank you!! The presents from The Light & Airy Photographer are my photo secret weapon haha . We should do a play date this summer!! Miss you guys!
- Lindsey Rochele I love it!!!!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Lindsey Rochele thank you!! 🥰
- Chelsea Rivera Sounds like a life worth being proud of to me. 💗
- Rachel McCash Cronin Chelsea Rivera you are right!! I need to relax my ego a bit and enjoy this time more. It’s easy to just want to be at the end goal and feel I’m keeping up with the Jones’s to a degree. But there is no race!! That’s true freedom is realizing life is all on the best timeline for who we are and who we need to be 💗
- Penny Hey Ugh I’m jealous ❤️
- Rachel McCash Cronin Penny Hey girl don’t be haha we’ve endured a lot to this point—Definitely not easy but everyday brings us closer to our goals! 🙌🏻
- Penny Hey We sold our home in CA a year ago, and got rid of almost everything, in prep for an rv trip (indefinite). We changed our minds a few days before closing. We moved to Idaho and bought a house instead. It was right for us, our daughter was chronically ill. But she’s a lot better now. I be still never slept in an RV once. LOL 😂 So I guess the grass is greener on your side! ❤️🙏
- Rachel McCash Cronin Penny Hey aww I would have done the same! Our babies come first!! You’ll get your chance, I know it! 💕
- Tierney Alexandra Junior It’s not always where you are but who you’re with 💓💓💓
- You sound like a beautiful family and there’s nothing wrong with this type of lifestyle at all! My husband and I have considered it multiple times! Be proud and know that no one has a right to judge when you’re the one with smiling kids and a happy home 😍
- Rachel McCash Cronin Tierney Alexandra Junior you are so right!! I think it’s just my own ego/inner child work of wanting things to be a success or “good enough”. It’s hard to be patient in this process when we know what we are creating. But patience keeps us present! Love your comment!·
- Maija Smith-Pyle I love it 💞💞 my hubby and I are working on moving INTO this type of living 💯
- Rachel McCash Cronin Maija Smith-Pyle that is so exciting!!! 🎉🎉🎉 Keep me posted on this!! We’ve done several upgrades to our camper that have made a huge difference for full time living. If you ever need help or ideas, just let me know! 💗
- Maija Smith-Pyle Rachel McCash Cronin absolutely💞 my hubby is trying to decide if we want both. A family homestead for all the kids and grandkids to come to (a safe haven) or just travel… I think we will do both 🤣💞
- Handlebar Henry You shouldn’t be embarrassed at all..I think it looks great. Now..I hesitate to pass this on..but a friend of mine is living in a 29ft camper..he’s and his significant other are “work camping”..they’ve made over 100 videos on YouTube and it’s been so interesting. Didn’t want to make this sound like an ad or anything but if you decide to see one or two you do a search like this msfitzsadventures ..you got to spell it exactly like this..remember to spell the first part msfitzs ..on You Tube. Pick the first one or two..and I would skip the ones where they are in the desert ..and go to where they are in Northern California as it is far more interesting to me. But you may like the desert..anyway..check it out.
- Rachel McCash Cronin Handlebar Henry I’ll definitely check them out!! Thank you for the recommendation!
- Michael T Hoover You guys are a legend! 🤩💕… 😉
- Rachel McCash Cronin Michael T Hoover haha love this!! Thank you so much!! 🙌🏻🎉✨
- Ann-Marie Johnson Randall LOVE IT 💕
- Jennifer Quigg Literally asking my husband to follow your content because it’s EXACTLY what we desire to do! Go tiny and mortgage free while we build the debt free dream home OTG🙏🏻🙌🏻 Thank you for showing up so powerfully and candidly! I know this girl could use more “how I love in a tiny with a family” content! Thank you! Sending blessings!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Jennifer Quigg ahhh thank you!! My next video will for sure be on our RV and how we do it as a family! I’ve already started the deep clean to get it ready for filming hahaha
- Rachel McCash Cronin Jennifer Quigg you can also check out our website + blog at: www.croninmountain.com + subscribe to our YouTube channel 📺
CRONINMOUNTAIN.COMCronin Mountain – Off-Grid Homesteading, Adventures,…Cronin Mountain – Off-Grid Homesteading, Adventures, Retreats
- Jennifer Quigg Tom Quigg Check our this amazing family! They live tiny and are building off grid!
- Dani Jae Been there, done that, and can safely say – you’re doing amazing 💕🙌🏼
- Rachel McCash Cronin Dani Jae thank you so much! 🥰🥰🥰