Captains Log: City to Gritty

SHOWTIME! We hired a new GC! Thank you Word of Mouth COS group ?!! Moved the camper + kids play area away from the construction zone, reserved construction equipment to dig for the soils test, picked out where our septic tank is going and gearing up for part 2: hire the PERFECT well expert that will hit water the first time we drill ??????

And apparently my build design portfolio is a huge hit!! Thank you everyone for all the messages about our little glass aframe. 9 months of thinking about it has definitely helped in utilizing all 4 levels of unique space and we are READY! ?

- Susan Kemer Are you back in the camper, or in your other place? It still looks fun!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Susan Kemer we are moving back to the camper by the end of the month!
- Mario J McCash Susan Kemer it’s a very exciting time.
- Sonja Simon So excited for you guys
- Jennifer Bird Soo exciting!!
- Brittany Preston Moffat So exciting!
- Active NowAdrianne Reyes I know it sounds silly but dowsing rods. One guy made them from wire clothes hangers and straw. It’s a old technique for locating water. or hide thisYOUTUBE.COMDigging a Shallow WellDigging a Shallow Well - Rachel McCash Cronin OMG I WILL TRY THIS!