Captain’s Log: City to Gritty
Currently ? OBSESSED with cabin design. (Watch my IG story to see my 25 page design concept portfolio.) Back to interviewing MORE GC’s as our previous hire went ghost on us the past month. First new interview is at 9am tomorrow! Will be on the gram story as well as our Saturday workout—digging two 8 ft x 3 ft holes for our soils test. ?????? One for our foundation and the other for our septic tank.
We are also moving back to the land full time now that snow season is over. I’m sad to leave the convenience of grid living. In fact, the washer and dishwasher are going while I type this and I’m able to walk around without waking everyone at night. These little miracles are not possible in 120 sq/ft camper.
And I’m not thrilled about moving AGAIN. And the process of moving our stuff back to storage. This will be my 52nd move. And I’ve become increasing boss mode at the entire process—though I still hate it.
But, returning to the land for the summer and fall months will make building our home easier, we will be more productive and with no longer needing to heat the snow—we will save thousands. Also, more inspired with the build and layout of the land. We plan on building as much as we can ourselves. We’d do it all if we could. And living on the build site will make this easier.
Only unknown is water. Colorado Springs should abolish their lifetime water purchasing caps for IBC totes. But, drilling the well is one of the first steps in the build so banking on utilizing our own well sooner than later. Plus we do have a creek so there’s that as well ?.
Someone at my son’s school was asking about how much land we own and the location and when I told them “35 acres in the mountains” they replied “Wow you guys are so lucky!”

Ummm no. We are not lucky. WE ARE EXHAUSTED. This project is 9 months in the making and no one can ever explain what we’ve been through to make it work. Behind every “success” are long nights, tears, stress, disagreements, sacrifice, pushing hard even if you don’t feel like it, doing things you hate because you know the benefit will be worth it later, juggling everything, losing sleep, hustling every side hustle, doubting yourself, remembering yourself, hurting yourself, forgiving yourself, and good old fashioned HARD WORK.
I’ve never known a dream that didn’t come without needing to LEVEL UP MY VIBE. This process- these growing pains in self-mastery are the hardest to recover from because old habits and old thought programs are powerful.
I switch from the old me to the true me about 50 times a day but SUCCESS is still striving for the true me because I know that’s the future that will bring me peace and abundance even when my mental programming hasn’t made it a habit yet—I know the habit is on its way.
Yes, it’s exciting to dream build. Yes, I’d choose this everyday despite the stress. But no—there is no luck in my story.
We are all co-creators in this life. And when we decide we are ready for something different, we have to transform to match it. It is not an easy process. All the statuses I’ve written and erased can attest to that.
But, when you know, you KNOW. And we know it’s time. Just like when we knew it was time to leave (powerful story on that if you want to know —PM me because it would sound crazy to share publicly).
Project cabin is back in focus. And so is our City to Gritty journey ?⛰✨
- Nicco Macintyre You have running water on the property? There is all the power you need.
- Rachel McCash Cronin Nicco Macintyre yes we have a creek!! It is a few acres away from our build site haha but it is there!
- Nicco Macintyre Water is 800 times denser than air
- Mario J McCash Awesome and amazing!
- Jess Thompson My family and I moved from Portland suburbs to a small trailer, off the grid when I was 11. It was the most uncomfortable, miserable experience in my life. I am probably the only person I know (my age) that has used a ringer washer outdoors and melted snow to sponge bathe for weeks at a time. Through it, however, my father and family built a beautiful, custom dream home fully sustainable off the grid and is now a place MY children call home. They have no idea the hardships my family went through to create such a sacred, safe space. Keep pushing. All of the tears, frustration, and disagreements will soon pay off ❤
- Rachel McCash Cronin Jess Thompson my boys are 2 and 5! My 5 year old did ask to move back to the land so hopefully that means he is on board. And my 2 year old seems to just go with the flow. Hopefully they are too young to “hate” anything! Ahh but that is a great perspective! Glad to hear it all worked out into an amazing build!
- Nicole Rogers Is that your cabin? Love the design
- Rachel McCash Cronin Nicole Rogers concept photo! Blueprints + structural engineering will be done this month. Then hopefully break ground in June
- Nicole Rogers Rachel McCash Cronin here in the springs still
- Rachel McCash Cronin Nicole Rogers yes! Broadmoor area!
- Dana Martoia Malensky I can send your our contractor. We went through several and for some reason trying to get anything done in the mountains is almost impossible.
- Rachel McCash Cronin Dana Martoia Malensky we did hire a new GC this morning that isn’t scared of our build site or location!! But please message me your guy. Would love a backup or 2nd opinion on labor quote ??
- Jaclyn Easton I know all the struggles aren’t public, as mine aren’t as well. Focusing on the positive is always a good thing. But thanks for being vulnerable about the journey. What you are doing is incredible and does not have anything to do with luck, I’m not qui…See More
- Rachel McCash Cronin Jaclyn Easton yes yes yes!! Thank you for sharing this, totally agree! You guys have to visit when it’s done! We’d love to have you!! Feeling more and more positive as time goes on. Today was a big win and progress day. And yes—if our GC ghosted during construction that would have been much worse!! The new GC got the job today because he looked at the lot, location and plans and thought it “shouldn’t be too hard”. Lol he’s the first builder we’ve talked to that thinks there is a possibility of it being easy/not too hard. Positivity is always key!!