Captains Log: City to Gritty
Those of you following me @holisticrachel on IG or @holisticrachel_ on twitter got the news yesterday, but—here it is!
101 days ago, we bought our land and started our off-grid journey.
We spent weeks and hundreds of man hours renovating and fixing our trailer from the ground up. We invested thousands in improvements, generators, new furniture and fixtures, propane tanks, water tanks and more. We were ALL IN for the long haul.
Our set up works, is functional, and keeps us safe and alive.
But there were a lot of things we didn’t expect. Between the massive amounts of construction delays, back to back sicknesses, plans constantly changing and costs going up as the snow came down, and our stuff to be due to come out of military storage in a few weeks—we evaluated everything as entrepreneurs, as husband & wife and as parents on what is best for us, our careers, our kids and the future of our build.
We started looking at the numbers and separated ourselves from our triggers.
We started planning from a space of long term goals instead of in the moment needs.
And the result lead us to a gorgeous lakeside apartment with beautiful views of our mountain outside our windows. A place to store our stuff, do laundry, shower and still be close to our land.
We were lead to a new job and career shift for Todd to partner up with a new cloud based company that allows him to work from home while providing extraordinary benefits and rewards. (Whoo-hoo Todd!)
And we were lead to a better A-frame cabin opportunity too.
At the end of the day, our A-Frame is our GUEST HO– USE to our future dream house. All the delays we’ve been experiencing were really blessings because they allowed us to step back and think more about our plans.
We started wondering why we were about to spend almost a half a million dollars on a TINY custom guest house. If we were building the guest house at the same time as our big house, we would never spend a half million on it. So, why are we doing that now?
When you are designing a custom home, you are emotional. Especially when you are a perfectionist, living in an RV off grid and so many obstacles come up.
But in re-centering that this cabin is a GUEST HO– USE and releasing my perfectionist nature and putting on my entrepreneurial hat has helped me keep the big picture in mind.
This lead us to Avrame. An A-frame cabin kit company based in Estonia. I mean, if you decide against custom, an Estonian cabin is the next best thing! They can easily do off-grid designs, add anything (we are customizing ours), can be built with as little as 2 people in 4 weeks, and the kit can be dropped by helicopter (I asked this morning) so we won’t have to worry as much about our road issues. And…. they start at $70k for 1,600 sq/ft. ???
We’ll definitely be doing most of the upgrades offered but even with those extras, we will still be saving hundreds of thousands.
As my wise friends say, “a dollar saved, is a dollar earned”. So by discovering this Aframe company, we basically paid ourselves at least $250,000 and decades of time freedom. Which is a huge deal!
Over the past 101 days since buying this land—so much has changed. New jobs, new apartment, new cabin plans, and more time freedom to pursue our passions and take on new experiences. And yes—you better believe Todd and I want to build most of this house ourselves (the instructions say 2 people, so why not?)
Jaclyn Easton Yay!! I’m so excited for you both!!!- Brad Leatham That’s is great to hear. Congratulations Todd, on the new job.
- Mario J McCash All this sounds wonderful. The only thing I would add is to consider hiring one or two experienced specialists to help with those aspects of the build that might get a little tricky. Thinking you can completely go it alone might involve more frustratio…See More
- Rachel McCash Cronin Mario J McCash yes definitely we will need licensed and insured contractors overseeing the electrical, plumbing at a minimum per our state guidelines. Also we will be contracting out drilling the well and septic as well. But as much as we can do, we will to keep costs as low as possible and make room for more fun elements like maybe a pool or a cool deck!
- Michael T Hoover I still think you should hire a carpenter, an expert and having three people is always better!!! Sounds like a great wave of great things happening!! Blessings to you guys!!
- Ashleigh Gillen Searles What does Todd do? Josh is trying to find a good company that allows him to be full remote
- Rachel McCash Cronin Ashleigh Gillen Searles he is a computer engineer! I don’t know most of what he does but happy to connect them both if he’d like to chat! We are excited about this new company!
- Ashleigh Gillen Searles Josh is a software developer. He mostly does web applications and coding. Similar?
- Rachel McCash Cronin Ashleigh Gillen Searles Todd does mainly cyber security work I believe-I honestly don’t know much about it at all since it’s been mainly classified work and he can’t tell me! Lol but he does know coding! They should chat!
- Ashleigh Gillen Searles yes, they should! Josh was interested in cyber security for a while.
- Rachel McCash Cronin Ashleigh Gillen Searles yay hubby phone date ? I’ll text you!
- Ashleigh Gillen Searles sounds good!
- Marcia Dudley Amazing how life makes twists and turns. It’s so much better when one goes with the flow. You guys are masters. Congrats to Todd on the new job and to you both on being open minded and flexible. Hugs to all.
- Josh Noble Wait, 70k for 1,600 sqft?!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Josh Noble yes ?
- Josh NobleTENOR
- Rachel McCash Cronin Josh Noble www.avrame.comEdit or delete thisAVRAME.COMA-frame homesA-frame homes
- Rachel McCash Cronin We are loving the Trio 150!
- Josh Noble
- Shaniqua Pope Awesome girl. Keep doing great things ?
- Rachel McCash Cronin Shaniqua Pope thank you!! ?
- Dana Martoia Malensky I can’t wait to look this up. Did they say they were able to get it up your property? We have had 6 companies say they can’t get the up our street (about a mile on dirt road).
Does it come already put together or do they build on site? - Dana Martoia Malensky Never mind ainsaw it can be dropped. How much extra is that?
- Rachel McCash Cronin Dana Martoia Malensky not sure helicopter estimates yet. It’s Avrame.com ! It’s a kit you assemble yourself or with a GC. Comes with pre-cut wood, nails, and so much more that you put together with instructions!Edit or delete thisAVRAME.COMA-frame homesA-frame homes
- Joelle Lane Congrats to you guys and your family! I am excited for you.
- Karen McCash Cool
- York Bryan Keep swimming! Still hope to come up to your property and defiantly would like to shoot the cabin once it’s done 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!
- Diana Bray Sanger I sure do love your story! ❣️❣️❣️