So many posts about the “man cold” going around right now and I have to say in the decade I’ve known my husband, he’s never suffered from a “man cold”. In fact, he has a cold right now and yet still wakes up before dawn to plow our road, and plowed our neighbors road just to be kind, still goes to work, still makes all his appointments with work + our home construction project, still plays with the kids, still turns the generator on + off when it’s 8 degrees outside AND baked bread from scratch last night. And volunteered to do all the Thanksgiving shopping. Everyone gets sick sometimes but this is what I think a “real man” cold looks like. He’s not on social media but had to share how grateful and impressed I am with my hard-working hubs in sickness or in health! 😍🎉✨ #luckiestgirl #proudwife

- Jaclyn Easton He’s one of the good ones!!
- Active NowJoelle Lane What a great guy!!!
- Kristel Dawn He’s pretty awesome, I’d have to say!!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Kristel Dawn you raised an amazing son!! 😍😭😍 We hope our boys turn out just like him !!💗🙏🏻
- Marcia Dudley Kristel Dawn you certainly did raise an amazing son. Kudos to you and Jeff. Todd is the real deal!! Proud of him from afar. Happy Thanksgiving.
- Kristel Dawn Marcia Dudley thanks! He had a great start and so many people looking out for him and loving him!
- Active NowStephanie Victoria He is awesome! And clearly motivated and generous with his heart, time and talents. I can totally feel that!
- Miquela Vargas Miché That’s my husband too! ❤
- Rebecca Barnes-Hall
- Shelsy Cordeiro Ferreira Awesome post! Let’s celebrate our men instead of putting them down. We feel so different if it were the other way around… when did making these kinds of general demeaning comments/jokes become ok. My hubs also does man colds like a man, up at 5am, works, shovels etc. and if he ever needed my care and attention that would not be something I would be making him feel ashamed of.
- David Terry Shelsy Cordeiro Ferreira exactly what I was wanting to say. Let’s support our spouses instead of demeaning them. We all try harder when we know we are appreciated.
- Joshua Humphreys Probably a Terminator
- Active NowChristion Sadler You two inspire me
- Martha Jean Morrison Montgomery You have a really good one!
- Brian Cronin Awesome dude!!!!!