MASSIVE WINDSTORM!! I did not sleep last night!! Our tiny home was pushed, shoved and slammed all night. 100+ mph wind gusts. Feeling so grateful our little camper kept us all safe + warm and I have what I need to wake up alert no matter what happens overnight (off-grid + momma life saver). I want to hike and see if we have many downed trees but then I also worry about sticks or rocks turning into natural bullets. Stay safe Coloradoans!! It’s nature’s war zone out there!!!
#offgrid #windstorm #tinyliving
- Jessica Kish Yikes
- Rachel McCash Cronin Jessica Kish is it windy down in town? It’s SO BAD up here!!
- Jessica Kish Rachel McCash Cronin I’m still in Minnesota
- Rachel McCash Cronin Jessica Kish oooohhhhhh
good!! ITS CRAZY here
- Diana ER It is crazy in town too!
- Jessica Kish Rachel McCash Cronin its windy here. Storm coming.
- Betty Simms Holy moly! Glad everyones safe!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Betty Simms yeah it’s crazy!! Pretty sure our set up is too heavy to literally get pushed over—though in the brief times I did fall asleep I was dreaming about the camper getting knocked over
- Betty Simms Rachel McCash Cronin I can only imagine!!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Betty Simms yeah it’s crazy!! Pretty sure our set up is too heavy to literally get pushed over—though in the brief times I did fall asleep I was dreaming about the camper getting knocked over
- Diana ER I’m glad you guys are all safe and sound!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Diana ER thank you!!! It looks like the wind should stop by the end of today. I hope it does!! Ahhh lol
- Marie Keene Yeah not much sleep it’s been rockin all night! Sorry
- David McCann Oh man, it’s nuts up here in the mountains too.. they’ve closed down pretty much all the highways. Stay safe and warm there!!