Some moms buy glitter and puff paint. And other moms buy masking tape, bey blades and infinity stones to create the most powerful magical swords of all time from hand selected backyard sticks. I’m other moms #momofboys
- Ashley SmithGlitter is evil
- Rachel McCash CroninAshley Smith hahaha I’ve heard!!
- Rachel McCash CroninAshley Smith I’ve never ever bought glitter. But my niece has a glitter princess dress thing that has glitter on it. Just from visiting her house we’ve somehow got glitter in our house
It’s more contagious than anything I’ve ever seen!!
- Amber SmithAshley Smith I concur
- Ashley SmithRachel McCash Cronin it’s the worst!
- Brian SheetsI was in a play more than twenty years ago where copious amounts of glitter was used. I could return to that stage today and find evidence of that play, still.
- Rachel McCash CroninBrian Sheets haha oh my!! That’s some dedicated glitter!
- Amber SmithI love the other moms!
- Handlebar HenrySome moms don’t do anything with their kids. That is too often the case.
- Handlebar HenryMy mother was one of them. Not all of her fault. She’d had medical issues early on in life. I basically raised myself…an only child. I learned early on that my life was going to be a lot different than most.
- Rachel McCash CroninHandlebar Henry that is powerful
- Handlebar HenryRachel McCash Cronin What happened is she had shock treatment when she was younger. I don’t know if you understand what this is..but way back in the 1940’s they would give this “treatment” to people and it literally burned part of their brain up. If you haven’t seen One Flew Over The Cukoos’s Nest ..check it out. Long story here..but it made me tough..I learned to look at the world in a profoundly different way. That’s one thing that I think help me become so successful (in my own mind)
- Handlebar HenryMy mother was one of them. Not all of her fault. She’d had medical issues early on in life. I basically raised myself…an only child. I learned early on that my life was going to be a lot different than most.