Captains log: City to Gritty
Well, woke up and realized we lost 220 gallons of fresh water. Small errors can have big impacts. When you are legally maxed out at buying 2,000 gallons of fresh water, losing 220 overnight is a sad day.
But the sun was shining and we made great use of a warm day. Todd cut down about 10 HUGE pine trees, which helped get our fire wood stocked up AND we can clearly see our beautiful city view now too!
I also hiked a good 35 minutes and free climbed which left me completely out of breath and drenched by the time I made it home.
During my free climb, I found a HUGE crystal and collected it for our home build. Also ran into a lizard! ? And Todd showed me we have a BAT CAVE on our land!! We hear bats all the time and today was the first time I saw their cave. ? ? ?

The boys and I also built our fire pit a few levels higher, finding rock and stone from all over our land and carrying it to make a pretty cool fire pit.
We have also decided to rehome our dogs. We will try again once we have a fence to keep strangers away from our pets. Too many strangers kept removing our dogs from our land and taking them to either the shelter or their home and it got to be too expensive in both money and time to retrieve and bail them out every few days. But once we get the proper signs and fences to keep people away, we will try again with dogs.
Our cat is still doing great though! No strangers have attempted to take him to the shelter or their homes and we are so grateful because our cat is the perfect worker and guardian of our campsite. Luckily cats are much harder to capture than dogs, and for his safety with our human problem, that is a great thing!

Having a HUMAN problem was literally the last issue we ever thought we’d run into on our 35 acres. And surprisingly it has been the most frustrating one. More frustrating than the bear and the hornets combined. It seems like humans are attracted to dogs too because since rehoming the dogs, we’ve had less issues with stray humans on our land.
Our special surprise I keep hinting about in my stories is EXPANDING! Some days we have struggles and other days, it’s magical how so many things just fall into place. Yesterday and today were MAGICAL days and oh yes WE FOUND OUR PERFECT BUILDER!!
Our 18th builder ended up being the one!! He totally gets the A-frame concept and had so many ideas on the foundation, where to put the well and just solution after solution. Just goes to show the power in perseverance and not listening to negativity. I’m glad we kept going after the first builder, the 10th builder and the 17th builder because #18 is where it’s at!
We took the kids to the zoo to relax and celebrate these little victories because it only adds power to momentum when you celebrate. ?
- Mario J McCash Glad you found a good builder.
Sorry to hear about the dogs, that’s a shame that it became necessary. Yes, fencing is necessary in your situation.
It is bothersome that your land has no borders in the eyes of people as they behave as if the land is public and belongs to them as general citizens. As that is so not true, their behavior is downright outrageous. I’m sorry this is happening. You guys had great dogs.
Well you have a builder now and things should start to move at a healthy clip. Congrats for that. - Rachel McCash Cronin Yes they were fun but honestly life is much better and and less stressful now. It’s been snowing and cold and our trailer is barely big enough to house the 4 of us, plus the cat. Having 2 large dogs really pushed the limits. And living off grid, resour…See More
- Mario J McCash Rachel McCash Cronin
You guys were taken advantage of – sorry that happened. Taking the dogs and then wanting money is so incredibly rude!!!
Ugh too.
Soon enough the time will come when you can restore all that was lost. Have faith in that.