Never take or listen to advice from someone you wouldn’t switch places with . I’ve been in a funk for a few days and today, broke down because I broke this rule.
The truth is—no one can possibly understand your journey or your plan because it is not theirs. If you know your path—walk it PROUDLY and do not let others pull you down or question the choices you’ve worked so hard to make. Something that took you years of personal growth and work ethic to achieve should be something CELEBRATED even if it’s just tolerated or misunderstood by someone else. The truth is— hurt people hurt people and disguise it as “care”. Don’t fall for it!!
Cause the truth is—I don’t feel bad about living on my own 35 acre private mountain. I dont feel bad about sending my kids to private school. I don’t feel bad about living off grid. And I don’t feel bad about working from home/anywhere with my husband.
What I do feel bad about is letting myself feel bad about those things by listening to advice from someone I would never switch places with and wasting 2 days thinking about what was said
. Cause honestly, look at this view

- Rachel Maria Ball
How Can ANYONE have any criticism for you? You are simply an incredibly amazing person doing GREAT things and going GREAT places!
You have the RIGHT attitude, though. Brush it off your shoulder. Don’t give in to letting it steal ANY peace and joy.
- Bonnie BarlowI totally agree with you
- Ashley Hobel
- Windy Martineau MallekBeautiful message! Thank you!!!
- Kellie O’BrienI love that you do you!!
I’d trade my views for that view in a heartbeat! Many couldn’t do what you do, and that’s probably why they try to tear you down. Keep being YOU! Others can take it or leave.
- Kat DavidsonI am so amazed by you! Goodbye to the haters friend! Every time we go through mountains Kira asks if we are visiting the boys
Let’s do a family dinner soon
- Elizabeth StreetsKeep your head up your doing amazing!
- Frankie McAdams BarlowYou rock
- Handlebar HenryIt’s your life! I never worry what other people say.
- Jessica ZabelI would trade places with you.
- Melissa McCashI’m so proud of you! Seriously.And truly happy for you for the life you have and are working for.
- Aimee AnkeneyYOU are amazing
- Jennifer BakerAfter I saw your mountain, I see your journey. That view is amazing.
- Patricia McGregorLooks to me like you have a good choice made, while your detractors are dissatisfied with theirs. Why else would they try to make you question yours? Misery loves company, but you can choose not to be in theirs. Enjoy the snow!
- Gianina HaymakerI LOVE this so much. I always want to stay humble and I do listen to and hear other people’s advice and opinions, but seldomly do I take many of them truly to heart. And so much factors into that as well— are they trustworthy, do they really have your best interest at mind, are they jealous prone people— hence the reason why some people may question and criticize your decisions… Nobody else ever really understands our own personal lives, no matter how much they think they know us… so nobody else should have that much of an influence on the decisions that get made.