Captains Log: City to Gritty
I’m learning a new way to time block. Scheduling doesn’t work when the mountain and wilderness have its own agenda. I’m feeling the soreness of my mental growth. I’m learning to let go of what I can’t control. I’m learning to accept that life is different now.
I’ve had these random epiphanies lately. Like, am I camping or am I living? Does it count as camping living in a camper and having a campfire every night with s’mores? Or is this just life? I’m not sure anymore. Like I’m legit not sure. Are we meant to live stacked next to neighbors or out in nature? Are humans meant to be in the wild or is domestication our best environment?

I feel living in the forest has forced me to detox in new ways. This is the longest I’ve ever camped in nature. 33 days in a camper. 33 nights under the stars. 33 non stop moments leading to the next.
Wear and tear on our cars is real. I needed a new car battery and Todd needed a new tire. And it’s only been our first 30 days. I’m thinking of buying a Jeep already ? ?.
Unexpected expenses keep stacking. I’ve spent more on eating out in the last 3 months than I have the last 3 years combined. When my husband and I did our rough numbers for this whole endeavor, we didn’t budget at all for eating out. Wow what an oversight lol. But we are grateful to do it and grateful to have the options to stay nourished despite our go go go lifestyle and this crazy season of living.

Tomorrow my oldest will be 5. Where does the time go? I never really noticed time passing until I had kids. They keep me grounded and focused to keep growing. They show me the areas of my personality I need to work on and remind me how I can improve. Being a parent is the hardest calling because of this. Children are your mirror to the parts of you that are easily triggered. But, they will also help you heal the fastest if you listen to those triggers with the awareness they brought a weakness to your attention that needs strengthening. I don’t always remember this but when I do it helps me be the guide that am to help these littles through life.

Also, I haven’t showered since Sunday. I need to find a shower solution ASAP. Being clean is great for your mood. And that’s your PSA of the day.
- Brandon Lane I lived in a camp trailer for 5 years. Water and sewage is your biggest problem now. Winter will be water and sewer freezing. Winter is right around the corner and need a plan now
- Rachel McCash Cronin Yes we are building out our RV skirt this weekend. First snow is expected on Tuesday. We also got this window film stuff. Todd is thinking of doing hay bail insulting for our IBC water totes unless you know of something to keep above ground fresh water totes warm in winter. Takes a village!!
- Brandon Lane Rachel McCash Cronin biggest problem with hay is the mice and bugs that come with it but it does work. Any questions you have please feel free too ask in pm if you or Todd want. I am not trying to be negative but it can be very hard
- Joelle Lane Rachel McCash Cronin Brandon knows his stuff. Get a space heater for inside too.
- Sun Schulz Happy Birthday to your oldest. ❤️
- Isabel Strelzik Thank you for sharing!
- Mario J McCash Turn this log on Facebook into a book!