Meeting this morning with our newest GC went amazing! He was impressed with how basically everything is done—prebuild done, engineering done, structural stamps done, soils tests done, well to be installed soon on our own, blueprints done, dirt work + excavation almost entirely done, etc. Literally all he has to do is show up with materials and assemble our house. It only took 2 years to find, haha but he is also the first GC that is willing to build our house within our budget!
Those of you following us know that we talked to several builders that wanted over $1M+ to pour a concrete basement and assemble our cabin kit with builder grade materials
. But we KNEW it could be done for much much less. Which is why we never gave up, kept interviewing and kept doing as much as we could ourselves! We have probably saved ourselves hundreds of thousands at this point in researching the true cost of materials, sourcing all the materials ourselves, doing the hiring process ourselves, doing the dirt work and excavation ourselves, doing pre-build out of pocket and compiling the research + information ourselves, etc etc etc. Y’all, we even know we need 2,100 man hours to build our house (after the basement is poured). We have it down to science! Which is power in the construction industry. So literally, with a crew of 6 people working 8 hours a day, this house is built in 44 days.
Which is another few hundred thousand in labor savings. Never give up on your dreams!!! Instead, RESEARCH THEM!
- Kim MacLurgWow that’s so exciting!!
- Rachel McCash CroninKim MacLurg yes it is!!! Coming spring 2021!!!
- Kim MacLurgRachel McCash Cronin sounds like you’ll be done before us
- Rachel McCash CroninKim MacLurg yes it is!!! Coming spring 2021!!!
- Kim Spidle OverpeckYay! That’s so amazing!
- Rachel McCash CroninKim Spidle Overpeck thank you so much!! We can’t wait!!
- Bridget SuchMind if I ask how much it is costing you for something like this?
- Rachel McCash CroninBridget Such cost is extremely subjective lol. We had dozens of people tell us very different pricing. My best advice for cost is research it all yourself. Know the going rate for nails, insulation, lumber, concrete and more. When you know exactly how much everything costs, no one can take advantage of you.
We had some GC’s marking up materials up to 65%. And others trying to tell us we need 12 months of labor. When in reality, we only need 5-6 months of labor.
- Bridget SuchRachel McCash Cronin were fixing to build a pole barn home so we’re doing the same research as you.its insane what some charge.lumber prices have tripled though which sucks so we may use all metal or just wait on inside walls until later when prices go down
- Rachel McCash CroninSo after doing our own personal due diligence, and doing almost everything ourselves, our cost breakdown is:Land: $185kBlueprints + design: $2kPre-build, soils tests, engineering, etc: $15kBack hoe: $31kWell: TBA but should be $10-$15kBasement + cabin kit assembly with basic finishes: $510k
- Bridget SuchRachel McCash Cronin that’s awesome! How many sq ft is your home?
- Rachel McCash CroninBridget Such yes!! We are trying to keep our mortgage is low as possible! Ideally we’d love our mortgage to be under $500k. If we keep doing what we are doing, I’m sure we will get there by spring 2021.
Our home is 2,643 sq/ft
- Rachel McCash CroninBridget Such also— my husbands cousin renovated a pole barn into her home!!! Check is out!!
- Rachel McCash CroninDid that link work??…
- Rachel McCash CroninBridget Such cost is extremely subjective lol. We had dozens of people tell us very different pricing. My best advice for cost is research it all yourself. Know the going rate for nails, insulation, lumber, concrete and more. When you know exactly how much everything costs, no one can take advantage of you.
- Alissa DabasinskasHuzzah!!
- Kat DavidsonCan’t wait!
- Julia McCool
- Elizabeth Marie NobleThat is a beautiful home!
So happy for you and your family. I’ve enjoyed watching your journey living off grid. If you need a great electrical contractor, I know one
- Rachel McCash CroninElizabeth Marie Noble awesome! We will be off-grid and entirely solar power. Our house will be wired with that in mind. Is that something your contact is familiar with?
- Elizabeth Marie NobleRachel McCash Cronin i know he’s talked about solar, I’m just not 100% sure about his experience. May I PM you his information?
- Rachel McCash CroninElizabeth Marie Noble awesome! We will be off-grid and entirely solar power. Our house will be wired with that in mind. Is that something your contact is familiar with?
- Nneka AngelinaThis would be an awesome business for you to get into. Helping others build homes one day. I’d like to build a tiny home in our backyard and wouldn’t even know where to start.
- Rachel McCash CroninNneka Angelina ohhh man I think I will write a guide book for sure! But walking through other people’s projects—-I’ll have to think about that hahaha. It is a stressful process but worth it!
- Rachel McCash CroninNneka Angelina that is so exciting about your tiny home plans!! I’ll send you a message on some first steps!! Since you already have land, power, water, sewer nearby, it will actually be wayyy easier than you think!
- Nneka AngelinaRachel McCash Cronin Thank you!
- Sarah Anāhata LahmanThis is so cool, and your family is incredibly inspiring.
- Gianina HaymakerI seriously look up to you so much and you are truly one of the most inspiring people ever. I love this SO much— just everything about this post is perfect.
- Rachel McCash CroninGianina Haymaker this means so much to me!!!
- Rachel McCash CroninGianina Haymaker this means so much to me!!!
- Victoria LabeckiIt’s gorgeous! It’s happening!! Yay
- Robyn BrownWell you need to write a guide because Im so overwhelmed I’ve just dropped the whole project.
- Rachel McCash CroninRobyn Brown I will for sure write a guidebook!! I already have it mostly written as an e-guide actually! If you go to our website, you can request it! . I know it’s EXTREMELY STRESSFUL. It’s okay to take breaks—even for years. Bu… See More
CRONINMOUNTAIN.COMCronin Mountain – Off-Grid Homesteading, Adventures, RetreatsCronin Mountain – Off-Grid Homesteading, Adventures, Retreats
- Rachel McCash CroninRobyn Brown I will for sure write a guidebook!! I already have it mostly written as an e-guide actually! If you go to our website, you can request it! . I know it’s EXTREMELY STRESSFUL. It’s okay to take breaks—even for years. Bu… See More
- Annie BleierCongrats! Awesome story!
- Elyrha LucyI’m so excited to see what is going to look like!
- Freedom DayOh wow!!! Congratulations!!
- Rachel McCash CroninBruce Bowns here is that update post!
- Bruce BownsRachel McCash Cronin thanks again