Captain’s Log: City to Gritty

This whole experience has been a lot “Ready or Not, Here I Come!”
We weren’t “ready” to sell our house, but sold it anyway. We weren’t “ready” to move into our trailer, but did it anyway. And we aren’t completely “ready” for snow, but here we are.
Looks like all Todd’s insulating and foam efforts over the weekend have kept our pipes warm and we have tons of heat, running water and everything seems to be running great for this first storm on the mountain.

Only things left to be totally ready is build the RV skirt, pickup the doghouse (Todd hired a doghouse builder to make an A-frame doghouse) and finish putting up all the window film stuff Todd picked up.
New cabin builder interview coming up on Friday as well! It’s hard to believe construction will start next month with snow falling. I don’t envy our build team. Or the projects we signed up to do ourselves too!

We have decided to build our own fireplace out of stone and crystal from our own land. We have started to harvest the stone and sort the crystals but we have TONS to gather. But with quartz and rose quartz everywhere, we know we can make a really cool high vibe design. We also have 6 other projects as well! It’s going to be so busy until April but so worth it to experience springtime in our new home. ?
- Donna Parker Girl your gonna have a fun winter ♡
- Mario J McCash Please send photos of the doggies!
- Michael T Hoover Great update! Stay warm!!