Something magical about being inside the clouds!!! Everyday looks like a new planet here at Cronin Mountain
- Stephanie VictoriaIt looks like a wonderland!
- Bekkah AnnWow!!!!
- Rachel McCash CroninBekkah Ann it’s so enchanting when it’s like this!!
- Bekkah AnnRachel McCash Cronin Yes for sure!!!!
- Rachel McCash CroninBekkah Ann it’s so enchanting when it’s like this!!
- Amanda BraunwalderSNOW ALREADY?????? Girl what are yall gonna do come the winter months?????
- Rachel McCash CroninAmanda Braunwalder haha probably the same thing we did last year haha. But last year the first snow wasn’t until mid October! So very interesting it started so soon but that is 2020 for ya
- Rachel McCash CroninAmanda Braunwalder haha probably the same thing we did last year haha. But last year the first snow wasn’t until mid October! So very interesting it started so soon but that is 2020 for ya