Happy summer day!!! We clocked in just under 9 inches of snow on our picnic table . Looks like our new RV skirt is working great too!! All pipes toasty warm!
Now, time for e-learning on this snowy day
- Where are you??
- Rachel McCash CroninAzil AFav Colorado!
- Rachel McCash CroninAzil AFav Colorado!
- Azil AFavRachel McCash Cronin crazy! I’m in alaska and it’s warm and sunny today
- Rachel McCash CroninAzil AFav yeah it’s very strange. We went from 96 degrees to 26 degrees and snow in just a few hours
- Azil AFavRachel McCash Cronin crazy! I’m in alaska and it’s warm and sunny today
- Manuela MihailaLove it!!! Coming over!
- Rachel McCash CroninManuela Mihaila please do and take all of the snow with you!! #notreadyforthis
- Manuela MihailaRachel McCash Cronin I am tired of 110-120 here. Need to move asap.
- Rachel McCash CroninManuela Mihaila please do and take all of the snow with you!! #notreadyforthis
- Frankie McAdams BarlowLooks amazing!!
- Heidi LynnThat’s colorado for you babe xoxo
- Rachel McCash CroninHeidi Lynn yes!! But this is the first time in 7 years I’ve seen the temp go from 96 degrees and sunny to 26 degrees and snowing in just a few hours
- Rachel McCash CroninHeidi Lynn yes!! But this is the first time in 7 years I’ve seen the temp go from 96 degrees and sunny to 26 degrees and snowing in just a few hours
- Heidi LynnRachel McCash Cronin I couldn’t believe it when I saw it either
hugs to you
- Heidi LynnRachel McCash Cronin I couldn’t believe it when I saw it either
- Janine GrantOh my goodness! Lol
- Howard BarlowHoly cow! Early winter wonderland!
- Sarah PetersonWHAT?!!! 96 to snow? WTH is up with our crazy weather?
- Rachel McCash CroninSarah Peterson yes it’s very strange!!
- Autumn HayleyI have a few questions for you if that’s okay! You’re sooo living my dream life!!
- Rachel McCash CroninAutumn Hayley of course!!!
- Rachel McCash CroninAutumn Hayley of course!!!
- Autumn HayleyRachel McCash Cronin I messaged you!
- Autumn HayleyRachel McCash Cronin I messaged you!
- Bonnie BarlowOh my goodness!!!Not for me
- Rachel McCash CroninBonnie Barlow haha even for us—this snow is wayyyyyy too early. Usually the first snow is mid October
- Bonnie BarlowRachel McCash Cronin love keeping up with y’all tho it’s amazing place you have
- Bonnie BarlowRachel McCash Cronin love keeping up with y’all tho it’s amazing place you have
- Vickie BarlowSo pretty.
- Where are you??