Experience is a BEAUTIFUL thing. We literally set out into the Rocky Mountain wild with zero experience—just a dream. Let this be your reminder you do not have to know ANYTHING to start—you just have to be willing to put in the work to get you where you want to be. 💗🚧🏔

- Priscilla Gonzalez Gosh I so want to be your neighbor!!! You will awaken to an amazing view every morning.
- Rachel McCash Cronin Priscilla Gonzalez it’s beautiful out here for sure!!! Excited for the warmer weather and build progress!! We eventually plan on building 3 rental cabins! Happy to have you out here when they are ready! www.croninmountain.comEdit or delete this
CRONINMOUNTAIN.COMCronin Mountain – Off-Grid Homesteading, Adventures, RetreatsCronin Mountain – Off-Grid Homesteading, Adventures, Retreats
- Priscilla Gonzalez Rachel McCash Cronin yes I would totally visit for a nice serene vacay. Keep us posted
- Rachel McCash Cronin Priscilla Gonzalez it’s beautiful out here for sure!!! Excited for the warmer weather and build progress!! We eventually plan on building 3 rental cabins! Happy to have you out here when they are ready! www.croninmountain.comEdit or delete this
- Collett Ainsworth This is so amazing! What a cool site too!
What has your entire investment been so far?- Rachel McCash Cronin Collett Ainsworth thank you!!! And I honestly don’t want to know how much we’ve spent over the past 2 years…. probably close to $250k for everything— the land, construction equipment, RV, tools, propane tank, shipping containers, pre-build pack (site plan, survey, design, engineering, blueprints, soils tests, etc etc etc). Maybe more… but I’d guess around that much. Next is the HOUSE! 💰 😂😭🤷🏻♀️💸💸💸
- Collett Ainsworth Rachel McCash Cronin well, it all looks like an incredible journey. I’m sure that it will really pay off for you and your family! I’m down to snag a rental when you are all built! My boys loved visiting Colorado! One wants to move there!
- Jeff Herrera As with most everything in life… You learn as you go. 😎
- Rachel McCash Cronin Jeff Herrera exactly!!