Ever find yourself in the middle of an extremely difficult task?
Had that moment today looking at our build site this morning. I stood where we are building our house and the massive amount of work it’s taken to get to this point and though I see tremendous progress—to most everyone else—its just raw dirt.
The biggest changes are the ones most everyone can’t see. By looking at our lot, it’s impossible to see:
– The spiritual + physical work to manifest the cash to buy the property so suddenly (bought it 3 months and 3 days after first discovering it out of the blue).
– The interview process to find a GC (19 interviews)
– The 10 month design process to first discover what we want (big deal) and find the perfect talent to create it with our unique location and difficult site.
– The hundreds of hours of customizing each level of our blueprints in photoshop along with a 22 page concept design portfolio so our architect could literally just trace our plan into reality (exactly what he did).
– Moving 3 times + the logistics of all that
– The risk + work ethic of changing employers + adding residual income streams to keep upleveling our income to match our dreams
– The additional truck load of research of learning what we need to build off-grid while living off-grid
– Then hiring of all the work that needs to happen before we can build- soil + soils testing, site plans, foundation testing, driveway permits, new construction stake out, building and erosion drainage permits, final grade, septic engineering, cistern engineering, well permits, etc etc etc. All need to happen before construction begins….
Building a house is not easy. We took on a very difficult task by saying yes to this. And I’m so happy we did.
Through all the chaos and stress, we’ve never regretted this project. We’ve never regretted the process and refiners fire we jumped in for this dream. The dream to see this view every morning as we wake up. The dream to raise our kids on 35 acres. The dream to homestead and be ? self sufficient living off the grid.
It’s so hard guys, I won’t lie. It takes tenacity, grit and knowing everyday is a day closer because progress is always happening even when you can’t see it.
We won’t be the same people by the time it’s done. We are rapidly changing. It’s truly the refiners fire. But I’m excited to stay strong, stay outside my comfort zone and watch as the wild ride continues now through the winter and beyond. ?
- Mario J McCash Get on that DIY Channel, put those twins to shame!!!!!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Mario J McCash we are working on it… The last thing we need is our construction schedule. Which we are working hard to get ourselves… last step is survey- getting that done the end of September. Then finishing the bank pack then hopefully then we will have all the pieces put together to have a construction schedule. ??
- Rachel McCash Cronin I actually like the Property Brothers though!!! They can help do the finish work!! Hahaha
- Adrianne Reyes Can you pm me your soil engineer info please?
- Rachel McCash Cronin Adrianne Reyes we used GeoQuest ??
- Adrianne Reyes And OMG you posted this at a great time. It is so much work! We finally decided on our floorplans and now Sean just had to draw everything up so we can print it out for building permits. We definitely want to get on the land ASAP. ????
- Rachel McCash Cronin Adrianne Reyes yes!! It really is so much work to build a house! But it’s exciting and definitely worth it!! ???