December 21st, 2019 – Winter Solstice!

It’s WINTER SOLSTICE!!! We started a new tradition last year where we write all our intentions for the following year and the burn them one by one outside in a bonfire. This releases the intention up high into the sky/into the universe and helps us plan out our new year. Then, we meditate.

This past year KICKED OUR BUTTS. We moved out of our apartment and back into our RV, got all our stuff out of storage and re-stored on our build site, trimmed down to sharing one vehicle instead of 2, finally found a GC that will build our house and are finally wrapping up pre-build. 🥵

This next year— WE WILL WATCH OUR HOUSE COME ALIVE. We intend to have permanent shelter that will enhance our lifestyle. My youngest will start preschool/intend to expose him to the best educational opportunities in our area. I intend to take my health to the next level and practice better self care (specifically adding exercise to my life!) And I intend to experience my first 6-figure year from my 4 businesses combined. Which shouldn’t be too hard—each one just needs to hit $25k and I’m there!! 🎉💗

What about you?? How do you celebrate winter solstice?? 👇🏼 What are you looking to create in 2020? 👇🏼
