Just a friendly reminder that if you have running water, access to electricity and internet, you are ROYALTY! I was able to shower at home for the first time today since before Thanksgiving and I feel like a new person haha. Camping off-grid for months on end looks awesome on Instagram but man!! Today it got to me a little bit. Anyone else ever camped for months or years? 👇🏼 It’s the homestretch this month as we wrap up foundation engineering, septic engineering, our site plan and final budget! And then hopefully a fast 10-14 more months of camping until our dream is complete. Definitely is not easy to make camping our lifestyle choice while we build through the winter. ❄️ But it’s going to be SO WORTH IT to walk through our dream cabin by this time next year!! So grateful I can do this—that I have the health, energy and resources to create this reality and can still earn weekly paychecks even living off grid in the mountains. I got my “influencer budget” today from my company to pick out whatever raw supplements and CBD skincare products I want and I’m so grateful that nutrition + preventive healthcare can be FREE! It’s the little things!! Also a friendly reminder that if you are an online influencer or professional network marketer and your company doesn’t GIVE YOU the products you promote FOR FREE, you are working too hard!! ✨🥾💪🏼 #neverpaytopromote 🙌🏻

- Katherine Davidson We lived out of our motorhome for 8 months (6 of it pregnant), then again for 7 months with a 9 month old and two dogs while we built a house. Our house felt like a sultans palace compared to the motorhome 😂
- Rachel McCash Cronin Katherine Davidson seriously!!! We keep trying to imagine it all! We’ve shared with our kids our new house will be 26 times larger than our camper! It’s hard to grasp!! And will definitely feel like the ultimate luxury after camping for 2 years haha
- Kayla Lee I honestly admire what your doing! Most successful people become that way by living minimalist lifestyles for years while earning money. They save and invest. What your doing is AWESOME!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Kayla Lee thank you so much!! This means a lot to have support!! 😍😭 It’s true we literally live here for just the cost of our land loan since we bought our propane in bulk, have our own stream and RV dumps are $5. It frees up so much to pay for our upcoming build —we literally couldn’t do a from scratch mountain cabin without living the way we do. Can’t wait to break ground soon and actually SEE what we’ve been planning the past year and a half!! 🎉
- Holly G Jury We did 2years in our RV. for a year of it we had to cart water with a 5 gallon jug, over …and over… to fill a 40 gallon tank each week
- Rachel McCash Cronin Holly G Jury oh my gosh!! I feel this so much!!! 😭💪🏼 Water is a GOD when you live off grid. I think about it all the time. I totally get why ancient cultures worshipped water. Without it, you can’t flush toilets, bathe, do dishes, do laundry, cook, clean, or survive. You literally have to have water or die. We have 2 IBC totes totaling almost 600 gallons and every time we refill it takes 1-2 days 💪🏼💪🏼
- Rachel McCash Cronin Also has made us crazy about water conservation. I literally bathe in 2 inches of water to shave my legs and my showers are 2 minutes when washing my hair. Laundry is the biggest water ration at needing 10 gallons to wash + dry. But happy I can do laundry up here 🙌🏻
- Holly G Jury Rachel McCash Cronin We used laundromats and regularly used the climbing gym for showers. Mostly military type showers in RV and the little guy would get a 4 inch deep bath sometimes
- Rachel McCash Cronin Holly G Jury yes we did that for several months! I much prefer in-camper laundry to laundromats even though it costs more water. I often feel like I’m playing Settlers of Catan with all these choices haha. Some things cost more water, but less time. Or less fuel to drive to town but more propane, etc
- Nicole Porter Dam hey
- Rachel McCash Cronin Nicole Porter heyyyyy 👋🏻
- Nicole Porter Rachel McCash Cronin u need to live of grid near a waterfall
- Rachel McCash Cronin Nicole Porter our neighbors property has waterfalls!! There are a few areas on our land we could redirect water to create waterfalls. Definitely in the big vision plan haha
- Nicole Porter Rachel McCash Cronin brillant
- Jennifer Lomeli I survived last winter in camper at 9300feet and vowed I wouldnt do it again this winter. Thankfully the house is finally on the foundation, as of 2 weeks ago, and just need to get rough in inspection done hopefully end of this week then finish cabinets and floors! Check out my journey at R3cubedhome mycontainerhomejourney would love to chat sometime about your journey!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Jennifer Lomeli omg!! Yeah we are at almost 8,000 ft!! 9,300 is so high!! And absolutely!! Just liked your page! I’m Cronin Mountain or www.croninmountain.com 💗 Building a house is so much work!!Edit or delete thisCRONINMOUNTAIN.COMCronin Mountain – Off-Grid Homesteading, Adventures,…Cronin Mountain – Off-Grid Homesteading, Adventures, Reservations
- Jennifer Lomeli Rachel McCash Cronin liked yours back! I have been my own GC so if you have any questions reach out! Stay warm!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Jennifer Lomeli omg you are amazing! I was the GC/project manager for 16 months!! Recently hired that job out and I feel I have a lot less white hairs having done so haha. Can’t wait to follow your journey!!
- Nicco Macintyre Don’t you have a running creek off the side?
- Rachel McCash Cronin Nicco Macintyre our creek is a few acres away/about a 5-10 min drive. Not too bad!
- Nicco Macintyre measure
- Nicco Macintyre it”s going to be very important, how far away and what is the elevation. Also , so you know your water rights to the property?
- Rachel McCash Cronin Nicco Macintyre we should measure!! And I don’t think we can stop up our creek but we can use the water from it
- Rachel McCash Cronin Nicco Macintyre also—what is on your mind? Why is the elevation and distance away from our campsite important?
- Nicco Macintyre because if you can tap into it higher than you are it’ll give you actual water pressure. You don’t need to stop the stream, just put a straw in it.
- Nicco Macintyre and there are several ways you can generate power from the water as it flows past you. Water is 800 times more dense than air.
- Rachel McCash Cronin Nicco Macintyre gotcha!! Yeah we are about 2,000 ft above the creek lol
- Rachel McCash Cronin Nicco Macintyre it’s still the very lowest part of our property
- Active NowNicco Macintyre you could still generate power from it even though you’ll need a pump for water supply it could easily power the old homestead. Check on your water rights but it can be done with no obstruction, just gravity
- Renee Curtis Van life for couple years and got to see the whole lower 48 states, AK, Can…best days of squatting of my life!
- Jess Thompson Yes! Lived off grid for 8 years as a tween/teen. We also lived in an RV while the house was being built. One year our pipes were frozen for about 10 days. We had to melt snow to sponge bathe…it was awful but so grateful for the experience now.
- Rachel McCash Cronin Jess Thompson yes ours were frozen about that long too. We get drinking water delivered in 5 gallon jugs and let those thaw in the bathtub when our pipes freeze (and the jugs freeze). And then use that water to boil for dishes, bathing flushing toilets and anything else. It’s crazy all we learn how to do! Our pipes freezing has become common. Anytime the lines open are the days I do laundry ALL DAY as I dont know when I’ll be able to again
- Nicco Macintyre keep it moving. Water doesn’t freeze if it’s in motion. And bury your feed lines below the frost level. It’s common up north to have a small pump that just circulates the water, pref through some kind of heat source but just keep it moving. Leave a tap dripping, at least. But that only works if you’re not hauling water.
- Rachel McCash Cronin Nicco Macintyre yes we burried our lines 18 inches, so need to go deeper. Love the idea of a pump in our tank!! We do leave the drip on and it still freezes—but only when we hit like 8 degrees. Above that works.
- Nicco Macintyre Rachel McCash Cronin you’ve Got this.
And I’ve got you
- Michael T Hoover 3 actual years total living in tents! You’ve got it made! 😬😉