I’ve walked this house a thousand times.
Every morning, I get up from my side side of the bed next to the private master slider and enter the master bath and draw water into our huge custom oversized tub from our mountaintop well.
When I go to the kitchen to make the kids lunches for school, I cry over the view of our backyard through our 3 story window wall.
The clouds are eye level today and I can’t get over how beautiful it is. Or how I can spread out all the lunch items on the huge quartzite counters.
The floor feels cool on my feet as I walk up the 2 story continuous custom iron staircase to wake up the boys. When I run back down, I turn towards the front door so I can quickly move the laundry in the mud room before heading to my office for a quick meditation before the rush begins.
This is what I see every morning when I do my daily routine in our 160 sq/ft RV. I don’t even see our small space anymore. It’s only our house.
And yes I ugly cried tears of absolute gratitude typing this out—I can’t even see my phone screen. This is what it looks like when it’s only plan A. This is what it feels like when it’s only plan A.
I’m in the kitchen which is also the boys room which is also the hallway and master all at once —but it’s only our house now, even in our tiny space.
This month we start our massive survey for our bridge and driveway. The bridge and driveway that will carry the cement trucks. The well rig. The construction equipment. The bridge and driveway that will be designed specifically for our unique custom build to be a success.
We’ve joked about helicopter drops over our mountaintop build site being so difficult because our current easement switchbacks are too tight, and of course the current forest bridge is too weak. But this month, we begin the accessibility for our dream. This month we get closer to walking our house in person. And I can’t think of anything more powerful
- Brooke Weisbender-WadsworthGo Rachel!
- Rachel McCash CroninBrooke Weisbender-Wadsworth thank you so much!!! I’ve never been more excited over a bridge and driveway but it really means everything at this point. We never knew we would need either but that is what happens when it’s only plan A and you just keep going no matter what
- Brooke Weisbender-WadsworthRachel McCash Cronin amen you do
- Rachel McCash CroninBrooke Weisbender-Wadsworth thank you so much!!! I’ve never been more excited over a bridge and driveway but it really means everything at this point. We never knew we would need either but that is what happens when it’s only plan A and you just keep going no matter what
- Autumn HayleyAbsolutely amazing!!
- Rachel McCash CroninAutumn Hayley thank you !! The journey has been long but will be worth it!
- Autumn HayleyRachel McCash Cronin sooooo worth it!!
- Rachel McCash CroninAutumn Hayley thank you !! The journey has been long but will be worth it!
- Annie WardleI’m so thrilled for you. I’ve been following your journey and it’s super exciting.
- Rachel McCash CroninAnnie Wardle thank you so much for your support!!
We have learned so much over the years and this should be the final piece that ties everything together. I’m sure I’ll be very emotional watching these last pre-build steps get complete
- Rachel McCash CroninAnnie Wardle thank you so much for your support!!
- Shannon WarrenIm looking forward to your progress this year! Your house is going to be beautiful
- Rachel McCash CroninShannon Warren thank you!! This year we are planning on getting the bridge, driveway, well and septic installed. Next year in 2022 will be the main event—the house!!
- Rachel McCash CroninShannon Warren thank you!! This year we are planning on getting the bridge, driveway, well and septic installed. Next year in 2022 will be the main event—the house!!
- Nancy DavisThank you for sharing your journey.
- Rachel McCash CroninNancy Davis it’s my therapy sometimes-words are powerful. Thank you for listening and your support!
- Rachel McCash CroninNancy Davis it’s my therapy sometimes-words are powerful. Thank you for listening and your support!
- Kim MacLurg
- Diana Grover LarsenThis made me cry. What you see is what you get.
- Rachel McCash CroninDiana Grover Larsen I cry every time I’ve tried rereading this post
We have sacrificed so much but knowing we are about to face the last big obstacles—obstacles that I know will grow us even more and test us more than ever—but provide so much quality of life means everything. Thank you for your support in our journey out here!
- Diana Grover LarsenRachel you are so welcome
- Rachel McCash CroninDiana Grover Larsen I cry every time I’ve tried rereading this post
- Priscilla GonzalezI’m so proud of you and your determination to build your dream home. It’s a true masterpiece.
- Rachel McCash CroninPriscilla Gonzalez thank you so much!! It is definitely the hardest thing I have ever done.
And I can’t wait to watch these final pieces get out into place !
- Rachel McCash CroninPriscilla Gonzalez thank you so much!! It is definitely the hardest thing I have ever done.
- Kat DavidsonI feel this for you!! It will be so glorious, even more so knowing you persevered through the difficulties. Victory will taste so sweeeeeet
- Rachel McCash CroninKat Davidson Yesssss!!!!
Already planned the housewarming party too
- Rachel McCash CroninKat Davidson Yesssss!!!!
- Natalie HurtI am so excited for you guys
- Rachel McCash CroninNatalie Hurt thank you!!! You’ll need to do our pictures again when it’s all done!!