Do you ever look at your kids and see THEY ARE GROWING UP?!?! When we first moved into our RV, my youngest was a BABY! Still nursing, still little, still in diapers. Now, he’s about to start PRESCHOOL! My oldest finished preschool, and will finish kindergarten and start 1st grade living in this RV 🤯.
We never knew starting out how long it takes to build a custom home. It’s incredible!! And overwhelming at times. I look back and LAUGH lovingly at the “me” who thought she could buy land and throw a house on it within a years time. 🤣🤣🤣 But, I’m so grateful. I KNOW everything is happening in my favor. And when I don’t understand how, all I need to do is be patient.
By the time we move into our cabin, we will not be strangers to our land. We will KNOW our land. For the longest time, I felt scared. Scared of the dark, the unknown, the cliffs, the sounds, wildlife, getting hurt, the kids getting hurt, etc.
But over the past 18 months, we’ve studied our land, our rocks, learned to hike + climb better than ever, studied our wildlife and spent time outside at all hours. The kids know how to hike, how to stay safe and where they can play…the fear is rapidly disappearing. And by the time our house is built, I’m sure it will be gone. We’ll know the sounds. We’ll know our rocks. We’ll know our abilities.
Those of you that REALLY know me, know I grew up moving A LOT. As of now, I’ve moved 52 times and lived in 19 different states. The routine was the same growing up—we’d move into a house and make it home.
This is the first time in my life I’ve made a place home BEFORE the house! 💗😭🙏🏻

- Nicole Guevara They really do grow so fast.
- Melissa McCash I love your perspective ❤️
I’ve looked back and saw how far I’ve come. It’s really exciting. If I’ve come this far then I’m excited to see what my next phase will be. Grateful for the growth, loving the now and pumped for what’s coming!
I love your posts! - Susan Kemer The smiles on their faces say it all!
- Michael T Hoover 🤗♥️ Beautiful growth inside and out!1