OMG THE WINDOWS!!! ??? First round of official design is done. Now, on to the 2nd round with the 14′ slider and a few other minor changes. Being so close to the finish line with design feels AMAZING! WE WILL HAVE A HO– USE THIS YEAR!! ???
Kari Palomo You’re building an a-frame? Do you mind telling me Ike big it is?
- Rachel McCash Cronin Kari Palomo yes!! We are building a triangle home haha. Equilateral to be exact. Lots of symbolism within the design. It will be about 3,000 sq/ft
- Kari Palomo thats huge! Did you have the plans made up yourself or purchase one?
- Rachel McCash Cronin Kari Palomo we are customizing a cabin kit for the top 3 floors (I designed the interior layout + windows) with a custom basement. We are going off grid with this cabin- so wood burning HVAC, solar + wind for power, drilling a well and installing septic. We are excited!! Check out my IG for the details! www.instagram.com/holisticrachel