Today has been so many emotions! I’ve typed and erased many posts so many times today lol. Interviews, phone calls, emails, planning, prep and more! Basically, we all get to choose what life and what reality we want to live in by DECIDING to show up to the actions that fuel that reality. No one else will make your dreams come true. Only daily action will. I’ve been zoning in on how I structure my time and starting my day with action that supports my ultimate goals. And only after those activities are done, do I fill my time with other things (if there is any time left). What you do first in your day creates your future! What is most important in your life? How do you show up to that and create that reality each day? 👇🏼 Mine in comments ✨🙏🏻👇🏼
- Rachel McCash Cronin Most important:
1-Homestead construction/creation of our non-profit/special 🎥 project / hiring construction crew/ networking to expand Cronin Mountain partnerships
2- Personal livelihood living off-grid
3- Mom life + kids
4- Side hustles/income producing activities
5- Alliance activist work, support and research
I show up to these by basically planning my life around them and if they take all my time, I say no to everything else 💯 - Jessica Kish I need to get a DMO set daily.
- Rachel McCash Cronin Jessica Kish DMO?
- Jessica Kish Rachel McCash Cronin daily method of operation
- Anna Koclanes I’m always inspired and motivated by your seeming focus on “health and wellbeing” Rachel. I’m curious for my own priorities list/DMO, where do you put “Health and wellbeing daily activities” on your list?
- Rachel McCash Cronin Anna Koclanes it’s definitely first. The first thing I do once my eyes open is take 2 raw vitamin capsules to help gain focus, mental clarity and energy (while still in bed). Then, I grab my headphones and put on a guided meditation to ground and launch my rocket of intention/desire for the day. After that, I drink a pre + probiotic mix (vitamins + water) to hydrate, fuel gut health, boost immunity and cancel any bad cravings. I also try to get outside ASAP too, for fresh air, grounding and light activity/walking. I also do a massive amount of personal growth everyday—reading books, audible, motivational YouTube videos (while driving, doing dishes, laundry, etc any multitask) This is all basically required for me to operate at the level that I do and the projects I have. It’s all routine now, but it didn’t used to be. I used to struggle heavily with anxiety, depression, my weight, my financial health and especially my mood. This routine literally takes me 30-40 min and SAVES me from the worst parts of myself ruling how my day goes and instead keeps me staying intentional, conscious and upbeat that this life is whatever I decide it to be. It’s powerful! 💗✨🙌🏻
- Rachel McCash Cronin Anna Koclanes it’s definitely first. The first thing I do once my eyes open is take 2 raw vitamin capsules to help gain focus, mental clarity and energy (while still in bed). Then, I grab my headphones and put on a guided meditation to ground and launch my rocket of intention/desire for the day. After that, I drink a pre + probiotic mix (vitamins + water) to hydrate, fuel gut health, boost immunity and cancel any bad cravings. I also try to get outside ASAP too, for fresh air, grounding and light activity/walking. I also do a massive amount of personal growth everyday—reading books, audible, motivational YouTube videos (while driving, doing dishes, laundry, etc any multitask) This is all basically required for me to operate at the level that I do and the projects I have. It’s all routine now, but it didn’t used to be. I used to struggle heavily with anxiety, depression, my weight, my financial health and especially my mood. This routine literally takes me 30-40 min and SAVES me from the worst parts of myself ruling how my day goes and instead keeps me staying intentional, conscious and upbeat that this life is whatever I decide it to be. It’s powerful! 💗✨🙌🏻
- Robyn Brown That’s a lot of irons in the fire, ahhh to be young again.😏