October 1st, 2019

Those of you who have built your home—what questions did you ask potential GC’s in your interviews? 🤔👇🏼 We had a pretty good 90 min interview today with someone new. Just curious if we are asking the right questions or if we should add questions, etc.


  • Jackie Parr Definitely ask about warranty of their work/craftsmanship.

    Also if it were me I’d ask to do inspections at each step of the process to make sure you guys don’t want to move anything around or they missed something, etc.
    • Jackie Parr I’ve also found with contractors, there are always add ons- make sure it’s in the contract what is included in price and if they’re going to sneaking in extra purchases or costs.
    • Rachel McCash Cronin Jackie Parr love this!! Thank you so much!!
    • Kasey Nichols 👆🏻 agree! Just built our home and make sure you READ all contracts or have them in great detail. Check their warranty and for how long. Join the community Facebook page to ask questions on if anyone is experiencing any issues and make note of that.
  • Adrianne Reyes Well, you’re going to want to see if the VA has some pre approved contractors. Otherwise you’ll want to know what’s required for approval. You’ll want to ask about how payment and materials is going to work. They should have a fairly long contact with everything detailed in it and they should give you time to read the contract. There should also be an out clause written in there by federal and state law.
    Hope that helps.
    • Rachel McCash Cronin Adrianne Reyes thank you!! Yes we are only interviewing approved VA contractors now. Makes it much easier if they are approved already. We should be getting our first proposal and contract soon!