Yesterday I had a much needed meetup with one of my BFF boss babes. We chatted about our ambitions and next steps to achieve them. We went over the emotional stages of entrepreneurship we were experiencing and how NORMAL it is to feel the way we felt. And laughed in relief when we realized how we are both truly on our way and need to be more grateful for the creative energy in our lives and how that manifests into what we want most when we surrender and stop trying to control the outcome.
She challenged me that if I’m not going to bed with a smile on my face, then I’m choosing a resisted path and it’s so much more fun and EASIER and more rewarding to choose the path of least resistance—which is gratitude, surrender and connectedness to Source.
Needless to say—challenge accepted! I went to bed with a smile and woke up with a smile. I danced in the clouds and shouted “I ACCEPT” into the mountain canyon and listened to it echo back. I accept my path. I accept my choices. I accept I’m on my path. I accept I’m on my way. I accept the path is laid out before me. I accept to let go and trust. I accept the Universe has my back. I accept this gift of massive growth that is leading me to who I truly am, what I need and what I deserve. ✨✨✨⛅️⛅️⛅️