Yesterday we had our own Fall Adventure! On Friday, my son was suppose to have his at school, but because he is still not completely symptom free from his cold last week, he had to stay home. So y’all know me—he had his adventure anyways! And hopefully it was much better than what he would have experienced at school too
. We hiked our own 35 acre property, found so much moss and felt the different moss textures. Some are SO SOFT! We hiked down to our creek, played in the water and looked for pyrite, crystals and gold. We had several snack times, found an animal bone and mini waterfalls in our creek! We saw how much higher the water was after our snow storm. We found a rock balancing on another rock, learned about trail blazing, trail creation and the importance of leaving no trace when we have snack time and to keep our forest clean. We finished up with lunch at the cantina in the National Forest and read Verdi-the story of the snake at bedtime. Some snakes can be over 33 ft long! We looked up snake videos and then called it a night. We hiked probably close to 3 miles of primitive trails. The boys are getting SO GOOD at hiking!
- Shon Singletonim sooo jealoussa
- Rachel McCash CroninShon Singleton aww it was so fun!!! Definitely can’t wait until we launch our outdoor adventure company side of Cronin Mountain so we can share our space with as many as possible!!
- Leah Kemeny RangelAre you looking for some neighbors?
- Rachel McCash CroninLeah Kemeny Rangel haha we have so many ask about the other lots around us! So far, nothing is for sale but I’ll keep you posted
- Rachel McCash CroninLeah Kemeny Rangel haha we have so many ask about the other lots around us! So far, nothing is for sale but I’ll keep you posted