We don’t start from scratch—we start from EXPERIENCE. Today is winter solstice.
Every year we celebrate with an intention ceremony—expressing gratitude for what we have accomplished and sharing what we intend to do + pursue in the upcoming year.
This year I’m so grateful for our little off-grid life. It’s never easy, but it’s provided us so much peace and security that no matter what is happening with the government, public health, and more—we have everything we need on our little homestead.
This year we learned to garden and launched our first greenhouse experience growing as much as we could. We finished the engineering process on our custom build, got our well location finalized and began the engineering process on our forest bridge to prep for construction in the spring.
We also learned the value in prepping during a pandemic, built our food storage and water storage banks as well as our holistic medicine cabinets for pretty much ANY health crisis.
We also jumped into solar power for the first time, installed an amazing solar array with lithium ion batteries and learned to live on 4,000 watts as a family of 4. Adjusting to solar power helped us all be one more thoughtful on how we use electricity and showed us a new world of QUIET renewable energy after years of using generators. It has also helped us synch with nature and do what we need to do during daylight hours and slow down when the sun sets.
This year we bought a back hoe and learned not only how to operate it, but also how to level a mountain slope into a build site, grade private roads, expand our ledge and finally bury our cistern —which has helped our off-grid water be way more reliable than it was last year above ground.
And finally we learned how to host education in an ultra tiny RV for most of this year. We chose our kids schools because we wanted them to be on campus in world-class environments most of the day. And when my oldest had to be home instead, it was extremely difficult, but we figured it out and succeeded in going up several levels in reading and math too. Even though it meant I had to put a few of my big career plans on pause. I think I’ll always choose my kids education first—though I’m hoping I will no longer have to choose going forward into 2021.
In 2021, I intend to unpause my career ambitions. Make use of my downtown office space and live the best version of myself each day. I intend to create and provide for myself several outlets for stress management (specifically martial arts again ), be more open about my spiritual passions as a lightworker and come out of the esoteric closet with my starseed heritage and the truths that fuel me everyday. Like shifting timelines and reality transurfing—ya know, the important stuff
If you’ve made it this far—tell me your 2020 wins!! And tell me what you intend to do in 2021!! Today is the best day to take a moment and reflect on these! After all, it’s not only winter solstice but also the first time in 800 years the planets are aligned in this way too

- Rachel MoormeierIncredible. Love following your journey friend.
- Rachel McCash CroninRachel Moormeier thank you so much for reading my mini novels haha it means so much to me and I love that you resonate with this too!
- Rachel McCash CroninRachel Moormeier thank you so much for reading my mini novels haha it means so much to me and I love that you resonate with this too!
- Prince Rocyou guys are inspiring!
- Rachel McCash CroninPrince Roc thank you!! Little by little it all comes together! I’m grateful to be connected with you because I know you get it with the RV life and the challenges and joys it creates. Here’s to the longest night of 2020! It only gets brighter from here
- Rachel McCash CroninPrince Roc thank you!! Little by little it all comes together! I’m grateful to be connected with you because I know you get it with the RV life and the challenges and joys it creates. Here’s to the longest night of 2020! It only gets brighter from here
- Handlebar HenryI am curious..do you have a job downtown? If so what do you do? I am just curious.
- Rachel McCash CroninHandlebar Henry I rent office space downtown and am self-employed. I am working on publishing my first book as well as launching my non-profit outdoor adventure company. I also am breaking into public speaking and have a talk I need to be writing and practicing
- Rachel McCash CroninHandlebar Henry I also have a network marketing side biz too. Just a lot of little things !
- Rachel McCash CroninHandlebar Henry I rent office space downtown and am self-employed. I am working on publishing my first book as well as launching my non-profit outdoor adventure company. I also am breaking into public speaking and have a talk I need to be writing and practicing