Here is how Mountain Kitty feels about the quarantine 😹😻 And yes, he literally does take up half the bed 😅 #17pounds #36inches #fromheadtotail

- Summer Estella Lajoie He is magnificent!
- Christina Bowers m a j e s t i c
- Taylor Osorio Hahaha how old is he?
- Rachel McCash Cronin Taylor Osorio we adopted him from a feral cat colony, so we have no idea! Maybe 2-3? He’s still very very playful + energetic
- Katie Maj I freaking love your cat
- Diana Grover Larsen Oh how I love him💖💖💖😆💖💖💖
- Chelsea Mettler Love him 😂
- Deborah Trem Williams Is he a mancoon?
- Rachel McCash Cronin Deborah Trem Williams we think he is! Or a maine coon mix. He’s huge, fluffy, playful and loves to follow us around outside—very much the same personality we’ve read about them 💗😻
- Karen McCash I’m jealous….