Growing up, I never thought I would have kids. Hot topics like vaccines + religion stressed me out along with the fact I did not enjoy growing up. Childhood was very traumatic for me and I didn’t want to be the reason to put anyone new through that either. But… God had other plans as 9 months and 1 day after my wedding I was holding my first son and my spiritual + holistic awakening began in full force. Parenthood forced me to do the work I was afraid of with researching allopathy and homeopathy and finding the best path to true health + healing. I began to see the magic of motherhood and my new role as a mother. After 3 years of experience, research + confidence, I felt ready for round 2 and had my 2nd son at home all natural and loved it. I immediately “knew” I wanted a 3rd…. but as time goes on, the more I feel our 4 chairs is complete. How did you know your family was complete? 🤔👇🏼

Candace Marie James We’re actually grappling with this right now! With Erich, I was positive our twins were enough (partly because his chemotherapy made it almost entirely unlikely). But Ben (who also thought his two grown daughters from his first marriage were it) and I are pretty sure we want to add one more. It’s a pretty tough inner debate for both of us right now!- Rachel McCash Cronin Candace Marie James it’s so hard!!! I don’t think anyone regrets having kids though, right?? Haha maybe regret comes in thinking about the “what if we did have one more?” Side of things. I don’t know but thinking about more kids gives me anxiety and thinking about being “done” also brings me anxiety so we’ll see what time brings! Especially after our house is built I might feel differently than in our RV hahahahaha
- Heather Nicole Sweitzer It took us 8 pregnancies to get our 4 babies. I knew I had put my body through a lot, and we had 2 girls and 2 boys. Seemed like the perfect stopping point.
- Christine Rodd Never make a permanent decision if you’re unsure. 😘
- Theresa McGallicher We had a boy and a girl and were “done”, then found out I was pregnant again so we ended up with three.
- Cheryl Raaum We had five daughters (2 adopted and 2 birth) and thought we were done! When the youngest was five years old I convinced my husband that we should adopt a son since we never had boys. We ended up adopting five boys and a girl and we were DONE. Then we met a teenager at our church who had no family at all and couldn’t resist. Recently we adopted two grandchildren. Now we have fourteen kids with ten living at home and WE ARE DONE!
- Rachel McCash Cronin Cheryl Raaum wow that is amazing and so inspiring!!
- Joanie Lovell We put that decision in the hands of God…we just had our 5th living child and I honestly want more! I don’t feel like our family is complete! Even if we don’t have more biological children we’ve talked about adopting!
- Elisabeth Phelps Rogers I’d be very happy with 2, MAYBE 3. I come from a family of 7, which had its ups and downs. It was fun, but we also grew up pretty poor. I hated feeling embarrassed that we couldn’t afford certain things🤷🏻♀️.
It’s hard, because I don’t want to spoil my kid/s, but I want them to have more than I had for sure. I want to be able to allow them to take whatever classes, sports, instruments or whatever else they want to try. We also love to travel, and would love to take them all over the world!- Rachel McCash Cronin Elisabeth Phelps Rogers yes this is a tricky balance for sure. I grew up a bit of the same with sometimes having ends meet and sometimes not and that feeling has driven us to work very hard for quality food, quality clothes and private education. I’m hoping the balance of off grid living will keep my kiddos from being “spoiled” haha but it’s 💯 natural to want more for our kids than we had for ourselves and teach gratitude everyday so they know to never take anything for granted 💗
- Kristen Holly Hill They say 3rd time is a charm and I’m happy and content with the 3 I have. I’m worried about their future considering the times we are living in now though.
- Rachel McCash Cronin Kristen Holly Hill yes I think about this too!! Times are crazy but I totally feel like I can protect my 2 kids from anything that may pop up in the current + upcoming storms. More than that…. I’m not so sure.
- Amy K.M. White Well, at 17, I had a dream sending that I was to have a girl with my now Husband’s (then ‘just friends) nose and eyes… so if my 2nd hadn’t been that girl we would’ve kept going. Once she was safe in my arms… I knew we were done.
- Ashley Smith We always wanted 4 but we had a lot of issues getting number 3. 4 losses including a molar pregnancy. We honestly thought it wouldn’t happen bc we tried for a year after that then bam number 3 came. My heart longs for number 4. My husband is older than me so we made a deal. He is getting a vasectomy in January and if we get pregnant before then yay! 😂
- Tibeca Yao I thought we were done after3. I said it out loud so many times,i really believed it. Then i was unexpectedly pregnant when my youngest was4. I had a late miscarriage/early still birth. My soul was ripped apart.
Two years later,i told my husband it was now or never. Either we have a baby or he got a vasectomy. I was tired of natural family planning and just wanted to move on. We never got to decide,as i was once again pregnant.
When i was just 8weeks post partum with our fourth,he got a vasectomy. I would love to have more babies,but my body is done. So unless we adopt,we are ready to move on with the next life stage (my eldest is 12. Youngest Will be 2 in July). - Nikie Gerber One and done. Give Grey my all and if I want to maintain my own life style, I cannot raise another human. Being a mom doesn’t define me (but it has changed me), it happened and we are doing what we need to raise him as well rounded as possible. We too took the route of following our guts and it led us down the rabbit hole and it’s as exhausting as it is empowering .
- Our family unit is meant to be small, so our lives can include all the same things we had before plus more. This girl does not have it in her to have multiple. Not in this life 😅😁. I am so so so ok with it !🙏🏻🙌🏻✨. Greyson is literally the best kid, I don’t think we’d be so lucky again 🤪
- Active NowHeather Danáe Zoller I’m certain I’ll have another baby(ies?). I knew it the day Emeline was born. And I couldn’t be more thrilled about the circumstances around their birth. So excited to see what the future holds for me and my little family.
Hey very interesting blog!
Thank you so much!