Captain’s Log: City to Gritty

SO MUCH CHANGE GOING ON GUYS. I can hardly keep up. The universe is shifting. We are evolving. It’s powerful to understand that this is our life and we get to live it. We get to choose.
When we set out on this project-to manifest this property, to manifest the income and create this new lifestyle, we were babies. Even though it was only 6 months ago, it’s new for us to join forces with the energy around us and let the current do the rest.
Little did we know that currents are STRONG! This adventure is basically like white water rafting. So much effort, work, fast calculating, failing, laughing, being scared, seeing the water ahead and questioning everything, freaking out but knowing there is NO stopping this momentum and overall loving the thrills.
I plan my months but can’t plan my days because they are so unpredictable. I’m exhausted but full of life. This morning I woke up with gratitude for the beauty of my back yard. It’s the little things guys, always the little things.
I’m surrendering to the process. I don’t have the time to think anymore-it’s only action. Quick decisions and taking action. It’s hard. I’ve wanted to cry but my body won’t let me. It’s constant letting go of the good to make room for the great. It’s getting used to what “great” feels like. It’s saying I DESERVE THIS. It’s making sacrifices. It’s not watching TV, no date nights, taking down our decor to make room for white boards and planning. It’s planning our future and living in the moment. It’s saying I WANT TOMORROW TO BE BETTER THAN TODAY and manifesting it through daily action.
Every choice we make is guiding us towards our retirement. Starting with our land, then guest cabin, then dream house and our businesses and companies, investments and more. It’s a whirlwind down the white water river and we are relentless and determined and though we don’t know “how” we know it will all be done.
?☀️ ⛰
- Mario J McCash A manifest destiny of glory and actualization. Having become an exemplar, inspiration flows through all the honest in heart. Impact – yes, and positive. Influence, yes and effectual for productive change. Leadership – yes, leading the way in defining commitment & perseverance.
Keep on truckin guys! - York Bryan Keep up the hard work! You can do it! I still want to get together if you have time
- Rachel Gates ♡